In the last year or so A-Roid, Chase Utley, Carlos Delgado, Brett Myers , Royal’s young third baseman Alex Gordon and Mike Lowell have all had a torn hip labrum injury. Baseball has been played for 100 years and this has never been an injury that has affected baseball players and all of a sudden a number of the game’s biggest names are breaking down because of torn hip-labrums. For years we worried about elbow injuries, pulled hamstrings and ACL tears but within the last few years the hip injury has hit the sport
Lets take a step back and make some guesses to what could be causing this. Take a guy like Delgado who couldn’t hit himself out of a paper-bag two years ago and then his number blew up last year. A-Rod’s already been busted, Chase Utley looks like he’s stuffed his body into Lenny Dykstra’s and Mike Lowell hung out with Manny Ramirez for years. Then lets think of what pharmaceutical options could be out there for today’s ball player and I’ll bet you dollars to donuts that there is a link. Maybe it's time to tell these guys to start finding a new soft-spot as a launching spot for their fixes cause their bodies are would so tight that anytime a guy does something slightly out of the ordinary they pull something. What kind of athletes are we breeding here, ones that can't even move anymore.
It wouldn’t surprise me if David Ortiz walked down the street and all of a sudden collapses into a total pile of putty as his entire hip disintegrates.