Read the NationalReview article ( comparing Trump to the Shelley Levene -and not Alex Baldwin- character which is a beautiful tableau but it misses one important fact.
It fails to see that Trump actually is a great salesman.
He somehow convinced (conned) 63 million people, most of whom are Christians, to believe that he is one of them This is a man who uses vulgarity and has made his money in casinos and beauty pageants. He tramples on the poor, he's had three marriages coming out of very public affairs, he despises the weak. He has proudly lied, stolen and cheated his way to the top and yet the evangelicals believe that he stands for them Maybe I'm naive but isn't there a greater challenge out there for you? Aren't you suppose to choose righteous over greed? Why part of Trump screams Do Onto Others? What part speaks about helping the tired and the weak?
Trump isn't the Christian they hope to be...he's just the man they wish they could be. If they won the lottery they'd immediately buy the biggest gaudiest house they could, they'd wear ugly golf pants, lounge at their big ugly pool and get their family name emblazed in gold letters on the mailbox Because as much as the heartland loves Jesus, they love Kim Kardashian more
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