Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Take on the inadvertent switch to the Yahoo browser

There really is no greater crime than when, without consciously
consenting, your IPhone web browser gets changed to default to Yahoo.
I am sure it was some pop up window which I X'd out that changed it
but for the last few days all my searches have been complete cheap.
Ask for the total goals for teams from South America in the World Cup
and they give you the name of a brothel. Ask for coxsackie virus and
they show a picture of a dude with a huge sack and a tiny winkie and
ask them for a photo of some DCups and they show you some dude
sunbathing on the beach in Southern California


Zed said...

The DCup has received about as much sun as I have this summer.

Mr. R. Lee said...

Total South American goals scored in the World Cup, lol!!

P.s. F google. Just bing it!