Saturday, March 15, 2014

Take on Dora

Three are a lot of things I promised I'd never do when I became a
father. I said I wouldn't ever et a minivan (X), I said I wouldn't
let them bribe them with sugary snacks (XX) and I said they'd never
watch too much TV (XXX)
I can justify the first when we decided to field a girls soccer team,
I can justify the second because most of the sugar they get didn't
come from me and I can justify the third because after a rough night,
an early morning and a long day, it gives me 25 minutes to unwind and
cook dinner. But what I can't justify is Dora which is the epitome
of brain dead entertainment. It' not just the Spanglish, the stupid
monkey or the hundreds of Mexican sidekicks, it's the absolutely brain
dead story line which repeats itself over and over again. It's not
smart, it's not interesting, it's awful but it's like crack for kids
because every little girl goes nuts for this thing and there is just
no rhyme or reason

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