Sunday, March 27, 2011

Taking on drivers

I have figured out a way to reduce car-accidents greatly. By my count 95% of all accident can be avoided with a very simple swift action..eliminating a specific group of people from the roads.. The reason why this seems so obvious to me is that it would involve taking the driving privilege away from only a small group of people for the well being and safety of the rest of the community. Now I'm not going to generalize like saying that old-people, taxi drivers, hasidics or asians are the cause of all these accidents, the group to blame is much more diverse but they are just not that easy to identify. The only way I can identify them so far is that these people are not anybody that I've ever encountered

See by speaking with people who have been involved in accidents it is almost always the fault of 'some asshole". I am not sure how to identify them but it can't be that hard cause they are very busy cutting off people, rear ending unsuspecting drivers, running stop-signs. See virtually every accident is the cause of the other guy, it's very seldom the cause of anybody I know. I have heard about hundreds of accident and there are probably 5 that were the fault of the person telling the story.. I'm sure that there is a science to this like people who grew up in Northern Jersey in the 1990's or works at my office today or is somehow related to me by blood or marriage are specifically immune from ever causing accidents. So the way I see it we can get to the root of the problem by scanning out from me, the way I see it there needs to be about 3 degrees of separation directly from me to ever find anybody who has ever been the sole reason for an accident...although they may not admit to it.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

1 comment:

Chris said...

My car got tagged in the parking lot while I was at yoga yesterday. The offending driver mashed my front bumper, quarter panel, wheel and rim. There's easily $2,500 in damage. Despite his generous love tap, he didn't feel so generous to leave a note. Tomorrow morning will be spent at the autobody shop and rental car location... all to be paid through my insurance and deductible. I hate people.