Saturday, February 28, 2015

Take on metzitzah d'peh

I'm all for religious freedom as long as it's not perverse. I get there are ancient rituals and oddities that have cultural significant but I think it is time to stop the madness. A woman should be allowed to drive a car or vote, savages shouldn't burn people alive in the name of Islam, pervert priest should not be allowed to rape young boys and girls with their church systematically covering it up and a man should not out his mouth on a baby's genitals to suck the blood off of a newly circumcised boy.
I get that there are circumstance and historical situations that I don't understand but I do understand civility and basic human rights and know that any extreme version of religion is perverse, unhealthy and fanatical.

Bill de Blasio once again showed how gutless he is when he negotiated some backdoor agreement with the ultra orthodox Jewish community to allow this sickening and quite dangerous practice of circumcision to continue despite the fact it is dangerous because a bunch of these mohels have herpes and are transmitting them to young boys causing brain damage. Which is somehow the least sickening part of the entire process because there is no place in this world where some dude should ever put his mouth on a baby's junk.

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