Friday, July 12, 2013

take on the unsubscribe email

There really aren't too many things that annoy me more than getting junk mail, whether it's the physical crap I get in my real mailbox or the virtual crap I get in my inbox.
I do appreciate the fact that, at least the legitimate companies, now give you an unsubscribe button on the bottom of the emails to opt-out.  Years ago, I remember being warned of ever doing that, as it only confirmed to spammers, that this was in fact a life and real email address.  Most of the ones I click, are ones where I am certain that I know the company and they seem legit  (i'm not clicking the unsubsribe button for an email about hot horny asian chicks wanting white dudes for example).. Whenever I do go through the process, I am fairly certain that I inadvertently signed up when ordering something.
What really annoys me, is that these companies, even the legit ones, will often state their exit question in such a way that you can easilly mistake it and answer it in a way to keep you on their list.   Mind you these are companies that you've done business with, and would probably continue to do business with, if it weren't for the vulcan death grip they seem to have on your scrotum.
Just look at the way that you unsubscribe from the Harry and David fruit basket thing.. How anybody would willingly want to stay on this list is beyond me, but you can see how you can try to get off feels like you are running in quicksand
When you click on the unsubscribe button at the bottom of an email, they send you to a webpage which asks
Please unselect this box if you wish to no longer receive Gift History emails
So you are trying to unsubscribe but they want you to unselect a box staying that you no longer want to receive the emails, as opposed to say, selecting a box to say you don't want to receive emails about .. click the box if you want to stop receiving emails or to click on any email correspondence that you would like to continue receiving.
I only know of one list that is harder to get off of... you get on that one and it's like getting stung with herpes


Mr. R. Lee said...

Speaking of never being able to get off that list, I think it's time to bring Doug Min back into the fold.

Unknown said...


I need to help my son win his damn ballgame! It is important to me! Because YOU PLAY...TO WIN...THE GAME!!!

But I cannot play to win the damn game if all my time is spent wading through emails on that damn list!

So Christ almighty, get me off that list! People, my son is 0 and 6! 0 and 6 people! That's Jacksonville Jaguar territory! I cannot help him win the game if I'm being jerked the jack around on the G-damn H, E, double hockey stick LIST!!

Help me, people! Help me! Help ME help HIM! Do you understand?! Do you roger, dodger!? HELP ME HELP HIM! Help ME help YOU!!


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

ok I am laughing at these comments