Saturday, November 17, 2012

Take on the best thing that ever happened in this country

When I are a business closing down and laying off workers it might
sadden some But when I saw Hostess was threatening to close shop i
was thrilled not because I want to see good healthy businesses close
but because when a business is not healthy and cannot sustain itself
it shouldn't be propped up by anybody. A business needs to be allowed
to breath but we also have to realize it has a lifeline and in any
life there is a beginning and an end, I give you one chance to get out
but after that you are on your own

Forget it that isn't even remotely the reason I was happy... The
reason is that you people are disgusting with you gluttonous behavior.
It frightens me to think how unhealthy a life you lead, how little
you value your own body to stuff it full of artificial cream which is
artificially stuffed into an artificial pastry. Twinkies, YoYo's
and Wonder Bread may be as American as baseball, apple pie and
diabetes but it probably wouldn't hurt anybody to break the stereotype
of the American who is too fat to walk to the end of his fat driveway

These lard eating lards are the reason health care pricing is out of
control because they cannot control themselves by shoving sugar in
their fat mouths
So I am sorry for the 18,500 people whose jobs are gone but I'm happy for me

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