Saturday, March 7, 2020

Take on Presidential hot air

Trump went out in Atlanta yesterday and gave an impromptu press conference which as about as batsh!t crazy as it can get. 

When asked about the cruise ship off of California  he said he'd prefer to keep the people on the ship so that their numbers wouldn't be included in the countrywide numbers.   Nothing like making sure the pandemic appears smaller than it really is because you are afraid it will not make you look as competent. 

He told the gathering that he has some special ability in the medical sciences even without any formal training which should frighten any American because it reminds you of the lack of training in about everything else he has when it comes to running a competent government. 

When asked if he was reconsidering some of his campaign rally's as there have been calls to limit mass gatherings he seemed to not understand the connection saying he wouldn't think so because there are so many people who want to go.  

He then went to compare the Coronavirus tests to his "perfect" phone call and transcript, so if those tests equate to those Ukrainian calls we might as well start licking every subway pole. 

Finally he said that every American who wanted to get tested could get tested which is about as far from reality as you can get since there have been something like 1000 tests done on our nation and if Mekita Rivas is right that means every American gets a million dollars from Bloomberg assuming Brian Williams fact checks it 

Oh yeah, he also apparently wet his pants during the presser and somehow he looks fatter than ever in that black coat.  

Sent from my iPhone

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