Thursday, January 31, 2019

Take on Jill Stein’s secret money

When all is set and done, we expect history will show that Trump, Kushner, Jr., Eric, Bannon, Cohen, Page, Flynn and Stone all either worked with -or were worked over- by Putin and his cronies. But what will be even more apparent is that Russian attack on American democracy didn't just come from the right, it also came from left. Jill Stein will go down as one of the reasons we are stuck with Trump and the chances of her being on Putin's payroll seems higher every time she opens her mouth

But what is striking is that when looking at her twitter account, it has to be up there as one of the most active to least liked ratios I've ever seen for somebody in the public space.

Looking at her last 10 tweets all but one failed to get 425 likes and the one that got the most was a repost of another story and still only garnered 1000 or so. She gets less than 100 retweets on almost everything she does. Her messaging doesn't seem to resonate with anybody yet mysteriously she gets votes and just enough to help Trump get over the line

Then I went over to the Starbucks guy and he's only getting like 1000 likes on his tweets also, Gary Johnson gets about as many although maybe he's not smart enough to actually know how to use it. Then take somebody like Cory Booker, Bernie, Kamala Harris or Elizabeth Warren and they get tens of thousands of likes if they post a photo of their Chipotles lunch

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Take on Lindsey

John McCain is turning over in his grave. His protege, Lindsey Graham, has turned into full blown everything Trump felator which now includes dropping onto his knees to service Roger Stone. It's embarrassing that a sitting senator claims he wants a better understanding on how an Old Rich White Man was treated but never seems to say a word when a young unarmed black teenager gets shot. But this is where we are, have a guy like Graham protect guys who help stir the pot for Daddy Trump and hope that the boss keeps giving him some much needed affection.
Can't blame him totally being he lives with his mother and their six cats.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Take on weird math

Trump needs to stick to insulting people and stoking fear and get out of the numbers thing on Twitter. He posted something the other day about the cost of illegal immigration and put the number at nearly $19 billion. He then said that on Friday the cost was $603 million but is unclear if it was $603B up to and including Friday or for Friday alone it was $603B. But the question really remains, where is this imbecile pulling his numbers from and more importantly has anybody anywhere ever verified it? It seems very specific ($18,959,495,168 and $603,331,392) which would seem like it came from somewhere reputable but my guess is he just fat fingered it

This is Trump at his worst, swimming in the deep end of a pool without his swimmies on and having forgotten his sunscreen.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Take on The End

The Russian news of the day is that Whitaker is predicting that we're near the end which I think will be music to everybody's ears from Trump to Manafort and to the rest of the country. If Beretta Bob has something on Trump we cannot wait any longer to see it. The thing is that I don't see the end coming that quickly unless we get a Goodfellas ending with people ending up in dumpsters all at once because although Mueller is getting closer, the big fish (Kushner, Little Don, Dumb Eric, Ivanka and Sr.) are all still out there and I doubt this entire thing ends with those crooks walking.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Take on Howard Schultz

I have about as much interest in Howard Schultz running for office as I do Howard the Duck. I get that he's convinced millions of sheep to spend $4 on a black coffee and opens stores more quickly than Trump opens bankruptcies but if we have learned anything it is that putting an old rich white guy with no experience in office is a complete cluster... More importantly, our country isn't set up for a true independent run because if it ever happened with some real furor and they ever got momentum and picked off a few electoral votes it would be possible that nobody gets to 280 and I really don't know what kind of uproar we'd have then. Trump would likely call a state of emergency, declare martial law and and anoint himself king.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Take on Fat Ted

What he he'll happened to Ted Cruz?!? Years ago he had a certain thing, a swagger of sorts but since Beto he's either lost his confidence, his stylists or both. Somebody has to tell this guy that he looks like a child molester with that weird beard but worse yet, he looks like he ate his way back through a tunnel under the Mexican border. Somehow he went from Robert Kennedy to Ted Kennedy in a year. Old Ted has been having too many beers or bowls or rice because he has put on thirty pounds since his presidential run and you can add another ten to that if you count the beard.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Take on Loony Roger

1/24/19 is the day we'll remember as the day Roger Stone went down and it's the first time in weeks we feel like Mueller is moving this thing forward and hopefully the beginning to an end.  There are political reporters and pundits and legal experts parsing the indictment and trying to figure out what it all means and how it will play out and we'll leave them to that.   

But what we at TOR expect is something more immediate.  Who knows what to expect but we
expect that Stone will flip on Trump which will immediately lead to the Trumpiest Trumpian run-on sentence ever

We predict. 

I heard that Mueller and the 12 angry democrats are going after Roger Stone a guy I hardly know and haven't spoken to in years who I only met through Sloppy Steve Bannon who by the way is a gigantic weasel but I always said Roger seems a little loony with those weird Sally Jesse glasses and those wacky pinstripe suits and I always thought the Nixon tattoo was a little much 

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Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Take on Nancy’s cojones

Nancy Pelosi just pushed all her chips to the center of the table and showed again she's got bigger balls than anybody else in Congress. The issue now is that in a tit-for-tat political climate, Trump will likely cut off the oatmeal at the congressional breakfast or call a state of emergency the next time she's flying to California. While the shutdown continues longer than a Trump affair, many people suffer, nothing changes and nobody really wins other than CNN, FoxNews and MSNBC who've never had it this good.

Trump will now likely give campaign rally in Wichita or Chattanooga on the day he was suppose to deliver the SOTU and sadly we'll all watch and then watch hours of political commentary, proving once again that Trump is the best thing that ever happened to the cable television.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Take on the Rudy Take.

The smartest hot-take I've seen recently is the one from @andylassner which states that maybe Rudy is actually working for Mueller and I'd love to believe that's true because it may explain everything.

In all honestly, I can't figure out why Rudy keeps going out there and opening his gigantic mouth and shoving his gigantic foot in it and why Trump is allowing it. We've been doing this Russian dance for two years now and one thing I do agree with Rudy on is that it's time for Mueller to show us the goods. I get that they have Papadapolous, they have Manafort, they have Gates, they have the Russian NRA chick, they have Cohen but this won't really hit home until they get a guy with Trump in their name. Right now it's as if Mueller's team is circling around them like hungry sharks but I'm not sure we should be waiting any further because with every day that this charade is allowed to continue, it's another day of drama which is making the Nixon era look like a RomCom.

Anyway, I'm predicting the following downfall in order

1- Donnie Trump jr. For lying to Congress
2- Jared Kushner for his involvement with Cambridge Analytical
3- Melania for her role as a secret transvestite Russian spy to infiltrate Trump and transporting messages back to Russia using equipment hidden in her enormous fake vag.
4- Eric for just being a gigantic douchbag.
5- Ivanka for the fact we'd just like to see her in stripes

And finally when it's all done, Small Hands Don!!

Come on Big Bob!! We need you

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Take on the Russian goalpost

Trying to keep track of where the goalposts are in the Trump Russia thing is becoming a bigger challenge by the day. It started as nothing with Russia, it then went to something with Russia but only about adoption, then it was about dirt on Hillary but it wasn't any good. Then it was better than expected but everybody would do that. First there was no business with Russia, then there was some business but it ended a long time ago but now I'm supposedly believe it ended exactly on the date of the election.

We know one thing about Trump and his minions, facts aren't important to them and they move what is allowable constantly.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Take on the MAGA dipshit kid.

There might be no more punchable face than the smirking MAGA kid. But the way this thing played out makes me wonder if this was at all some kind of Russian set up to sow unrest. Then again, I'm. It all that knowledgeable about a bunch of dipshit Catholic boys from Kentucky, so even if this isn't kind of know that it is real.
I'm sure these idiots will be mocked for the next year and hopefully have to carry this around like a Scarlett letter or on their case, a permanent white hood.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Take on the voices in Trump’s head.

Art Vandelay please pick up the courtesy phone, H.E. Pennypacker is on line one.

I've finally figured it out, the "people" who Donald Trump constantly refers to when he makes his outrageous claims are three dudes named John, John and Dennis.  It's taken me a few years but after diligent research we have finally gotten to the place where these "people" can be identified.

Trump will often say that "everybody is telling him" how good his speech was or "many people" telling him that his inauguration was better attended than any previous one but nobody can find out who these people are that he's talking about.

These "people" tell him about taped up women at the border, crazy riots in Paris, Muslims celebrating after 9/11, terrorists amongst the caravan, ex presidents supporting his wall etc yet there are never any actual news reports to back this up.

These can never be verified because the "people" are John Barron, John Miller and Dennis Davidson the voices in his head

John, John2 and Dennis are like the little angel and little devil on his shoulders except all three are satanic sycophants. When your entire world revolves around yourself and you feel you have no equal, even if you have hangers-on kissing your orange ass, you can only find solace in your own head. Trump has no friends, has what appears to be a nothing more than a transactional relationship with his wife, has no confidants and trusts nobody. Since he believes he's the smartest man alive the only dialogue he feels is worth his attention is the one in his head

In other words, we elected the equivalent of Son of Sam.

 Nice job electing a clinical psychopath, America!!!

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Take on the “Rudy farted” face.

Chris Cuomo and Rudy Giuliani look like a pair of puppets when the former interviews the latter. I'm not saying puppet in the "Trump is a puppet of Putin" but instead that they look like literal puppets with exaggerated motion and facial expressions. If you watched with the sound off and just studied their expressions you'd see a lot of big eyes out of Rudy and a lot of furrowed brows out of Cuomo. It's like the two are sitting in a room and Rudy keeps farting and Cuomo is trying to figure out where the smell is coming from. But having seen this before it does look like it's part of this elaborate dance the two perform where Rudy twists himself into a gigantic pretzel and Cuomo looks at him like he's a complete lunatic, the WWE couldn't script this any better or have better facial expressions

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Take on Democracy Dies in Darkness

Somebody put out a Washington Post full newspaper for May 1st 2019 announcing Trump's resignation and the world applauded. We know this is likely just parody and not done nearly as well as the Onion but we can hold out hope that this was actually delivered by a DeLorean.
But give whoever did this some credit, well laid out, perfect font and layout and hopefully foretelling of the future but next time you go to this lamoijt of work, can you boot Pence, too?!?

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Take on the 5000 calorie President.

Lincoln and Trump, Trump and Lincoln, what a tableau.  The greatest American president looking over the worst one who is looking over 300,000 calories of BigMacs. If this isn't the perfect photo of how the republic ends please send me something better 

Trump tweeted today

Great being with the National Champion Clemson Tigers last night at the White House. Because of the Shutdown I served them massive amounts of Fast Food (I paid), over 1000 hamberders etc. Within one hour, it was all gone. Great guys and big eaters!

Few notes 

- he bragged about paying, likely about $2000, and more likely not verifiable and would only have to because he shut down the government.  

- when the order came in through seamless, you have to think they thought it was a mistake but when they saw it attached to an order for DJT C/O White House they didn't think for a second and said "oh, it's Monday"

- who got stuck with the three dozen filet-o-fish??

- what the hell is a hamberder??

- if Trump is Ronald McDonald, Kellyanne is Birdie the early bird, Sarah Sanders is obviously Grimace, Pence is Mayor McCheese and Stephen Miller is the Hamburglar

Sent from my iPhone

Monday, January 14, 2019

Take on the no nickname opponent

Trump has made a career out of calling his opponent silly nicknames whether it's Lyin' Ted, Cryin' Chuck, Pocahontas, Crooked Hillary or our personal favorite Low Energy Jeb! but for some reason he spares Nancy Pelosi. He does rip on her and often mentions that she came to him looking for money early on in her career but for some reason she has avoided the nickname. I am not sure if this is because he has a higher level of respect for her or if he's scared of her because it certainly didn't because she's a woman. I tend to think it's an example of him losing his fastball unless there are just not any good alliteration options with "Nancy"

So Trump, stop this silly shutdown and get to work, we need a Nihilist Nancy, Pillaging Pelosi or something else. Maybe he can combine two since they tend to travel in such a pair with something clever like "Chuck is such a Nancy"

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Take on Judge Jeanine’s terrible top

I've seen the Judge Jeanine-Trump clip a few times and the one thing that bothers me most is not his evasive non denial of contact with Russia but something else, something much more revealing. What bothers me is this terrible top she's wearing. It's like half tube top with this weird scoop down the one side and looks like she's wearing a sword holder over her shoulder.

But what bothers me more is that it kind of looks like she's about to pop a boob and considering who she's interviewing it would make it look like a boob orgy.
Lastly if there is an anchor who accidentally pops a boob let it not be somebody who has the personality of Mark Levine and the face of Joe Benigno.

So please judge, put on a less revealing and more appropriate top when speaking with the highly regarded leader of the free world...or he may jump you.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Take on the concealed Trump Putin meetings

The Washington Post reporter today that most face to face encounters between Trump and Putin have been concealed to everybody in the administration including Trump's cabinet and closest aides. This is the kind of thing that reminds us time and time again how fragile our grip on democracy really is. Our country voted for a guy who has made a career out of screwing people and his final act will be a royal screwing of America.

I'm trying to think of a legitimate reason why Trump would want the Putin meetings concealed and am struggling to come up with one which doesn't involve a pee tape.

The walls are caving in, hope we are done with this entire thing in the next few months because my heart can't take this rollercoaster much longer

Friday, January 11, 2019

Take on Ted Cruz’s terrible new look

The statement "nobody likes Ted Cruz" is never more obvious than when he goes out in public looking like a gay lumberjack covered in mustard.

In fairness for old Ted, he hasn't had it easy lately, first Trump romped him in the primaries a few years ago. He then had to grovel and bow down to the new emperor which showed how spineless he actually was. It then took everything he had to fend off a young progressive deep in the heart of Texas and now he's apparently Heidi has hidden the mirror in his bedroom because he has lost the battle with style

I'm not quite sure what look Ted Cruz has been going with but this bearded clam with this puke colored Carhartt jacket is not a very good one and if people actually did like him, maybe they'd say something to him but it's pretty obvious he has no friends looking out for him.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Take on the presidential photo

Dan Scanvino Jr sounds like he could be an extra in the final Sopranos episode and it has nothing to do with his last name. What it does have to do with is his, and his cohorts, obsession with pleasing his Don. The constant photo-ops of Trump with a bunch of his subordinates is always an odd one and reminds you how small his circle really is.

You have Kellyanne who is universally recognized as one of the worst the human race has to offer, Big Huck Sanders who has done nothing but embarrassed herself over nearly two years of press secretary. The first couple is even more odd. Jared looks like he slept in his suit but Ivanka must have gotten an incorrect memo as she's dressed like she's going to Cinderella's ball. Neither of these two will look good in an orange jumpsuit but with any hopes will be fitting them soon.

Then of course we get Stephen Miller who is the creepy guy in the corner of the bar who's leering at the same girls who we carries pictures of tucked in his underpants (watch our Sarah).

There's also Scavino who may have mustard on his shirt and a couple of other hangers on including some odd woman who looks like she got separated from her tour guide and and decided to photobomb the moment but since she's dressed like a equally dumpy Kellyanne, it offers a nice tableau

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Take on Little Donnie

Little Donnie is one of the more despicable people in the greater Trump orbit and today proved that again. A man who spends his free time killing large animals with a high caliber gun has the balls to equate a border wall to the fences used at a zoo but then again maybe he knows the gig is soon going to be up. There are a lot of rumors flying that the indictments are coming fast and furious for Little Donnie and when one of Trump's own family members faces time will be a worrisome time in America because that will also be the point where this lunatic may call for martial law

But maybe Little Don was just foreshadowing his own future time behind bars.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Take on the letdown

The entire prime time Television night was a bit of letdown. Trump read (badly) off of a TelePrompter and never seemed to veer off course, so there were no fireworks to speak of. Then Nancy and Chuck decided to one-up Marco Rubio with one of the weirdest visual official responses to a president. Not only did they both look old and constipated, they had less total energy than if you caught them naked together in a Motel6.

Chuck has that, I'm a puppet and somebody is using my five hole as the entry point look and Nancy looks like she might be the puppeteer.

Anyway, if our country is defined by and our values defended by a bunch of 75 year old white folks who look like they can't find their teeth, we might need to figure out a way to build a different kind of wall. I suggest building one around Denny's at about 4:40PM on any given weeknight.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Take on Prime Time Trump

We are going to get wall-to-wall coverage tomorrow when Trump speaks from the Oval Office about his stupid wall. It's hard to know if he'll tell us if it will be steel slats or concrete or made out of the carcasses of dead coyotes but I guess this is why we will have to tune in. We want to ignore it and tune out but he'll likely say something idiotic and I guess we'd like to know if he's going to declare a state of emergency in which case I may need some more bottled water.

He's spent the first week of the New Year trying to retain his monopoly on the headlines basically calling the press out for every time he took a dump just so Nancy Pelosi couldn't get any airtime. and since Trump at the core is a TV personality, there really would be no better venue for him than 9pm tomorrow night when he's likely to spew more falsehoods

The network who puts up a Pinocchio meter next to him and fact checks him live will be the winner of the night

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Take on “thank you Steve”

Trump is slowly turning into the third version of Michael Keaton in Multiplicity. He thanked Kevin McCarthy yesterday with a "thank you, Steve" which is a beautiful omen to the House minority leader and likely the last time he's asked to speak anywhere.

It got me thinking, the house minority's leader when you have the White House is a really an odd position, you don't have any power, you kind of are the de facto king of the nerds and nobody cares what you think and when you do show up..they forget your name.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Take on Rock the Rock

Axl Rose put out his first original song in a decade and it is..well it's not totally terrible.

He's a legend and it's a bit goofy but he gets away with it because he certainly has wrecked his share of hotel bathrooms (and in room fridges by the looks of him). But that was really what bothered us the most about this video, somehow they made Axl look like Axl from 1989 when now he looks a lot more like the pink guy playing the guitar in 2019

Anyway, glad he's back, i'm sure we'll be hearing Rock the Rock as part of the next installment of Not in your Lifetime.

Friday, January 4, 2019

Take on Old Trey

Prediction:   The ad agency who commissioned the last Members Only campaign is not going to get rehires next years

Trey Gowdy left DC yesterday looking like he just stepped out of a four day bender of coke, prostitutes and cold pizza.  The idea of the self proclaimed "best looking white man in DC" looking tired, horny and defeated can't be a good thing especially for a guy who looks a bit like a chunkier and dumber Anderson Cooper 

But we feel for old Trey, he never did get the Benghazi conviction or much of anything else but he'll always have this

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Thursday, January 3, 2019

Take on Senator Palpatine

Mike Pence seems to get a pass on just about everything. He serves as the Vice President but rarely draws the ire of the press ever though he is instrumental in any of the policies seen as detrimental to the well being of our country. Unlike his boss he's obviously not bombastic, his personality being more of the wet-blanket persuasion but underneath it all, behind the "morality" and Christianity, lies something much more sinister.
Look a the man's eyes, you can tell a lot about somebody by looking right into them as a president once said and when you stare into those raccoon eyes it looks like he's either recovering from a four day bender or, more likely, he's actually senator Palpatine using the strength of the pupil who can not control his emotions to quietly turn the Republic into an Empire using his army of evangelical clones

I guess we're all hoping Tiffany turns into Luke

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Take on the new Mavericks

Tomorrow will bring a new Congress and MSNBC is letting us know that there will be two new Mavericks replacing Bob Corker and Jeff Flake. The best thing about the graphic is that they used Jeff Flake's face twice, one time with a crappy Maury Povich haircut and then with a Lane Kiffin one

Romney looks like he's coming off an all night bender and Corker looks like he just got a blowjob from Sasse and ruffled up his hair

Let's hope the new Flake is a better maverick than the last all bark and no bite one.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Take on Mitt’s stand.

All the talk will be about Mitt Romney taking a public stand against the head of his own party and we will all hope that this is something more than fluff but we've been fooled with this type of
dissidence before. Romney is about to embark on a six year term, which means that he'll never sit on down-ballot to Trump, so it's not as harsh as it might be from a senator up for re-election in less than two years. He's also coming from a unique state, one that is conservative but not overly supportive of Trump, so his outlier stance carries less weight. He is also a principled man who can carry a mormon state without Trump's backing.

But there need to be voices like this in the senate but let's hope he, like John McCain at the end, will stand for convictions and not be a paper tiger like Susan Collins and in many ways Jeff Flake. It's one thing to publicly admonish Trump when he's weakened and the political winds are in his face, it something quite different to do when he's emboldened and the political winds are in his back. Collins and Flake voted with Trump on almost all issues and only after he had decided to not seek re-election did Flake start to publicly question Trump. Collins looks into issues that seem troubling but never seems to find anything in her searches which lead to anything other than taking laps and getting credit for her moderate tones when in fact she has proven to be anything but that.
It's not just those two, I can't believe men who claim to have principles stances against all that Trump stands for continue to publicly back him. People like Lindsey Graham, Rand Paul and Ted Cruz should be fighting his impulses instead of abetting them.

Let's hope Romney can break the mold of the spineless wimps who sit on the right side of the aisle, none of whom have had the guts to stand up to Trump unless they were on their deathbeds, literally (like McCain) or figuratively (like Flake)