Friday, June 28, 2024

take on Biden

When the NewYorkTimes decided to call on Biden to drop out of the race as his last and maybe most important act of public service to his country, we agreed.

The TOR editorial board believes that Biden continuing is reminiscent of RBG not resigning and leaving her spot on the high court vulnerable when there was no reason to. As you could see in her public appearances, she looked like she was deteriorating before our eyes. Stepping down was the kind of selfless act which could graciously protect her legacy and the causes she championed. But she refused and that single act turned out to define her legacy as much as anything else she accomplished. Her refusal to acknowledge Father Time showed us that she was somebody whose own self interest gambled the most precarious spot away, a gamble whose repercussions will be felt for decades.

When the stakes are this high, you don't gamble with your mortgage. And this race is far more important than even somebody's personal fortune. And Biden has just gone all in with the future of our republic. I hope to God I'm wrong but Biden staying on top of this ticket is going to be his legacy. For a guy whose entire life has been about service this last act is completely self serving. His inability to acknowledge his own mortality will now leave his legacy stained.

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