Saturday, February 29, 2020

Take on Tom Steyer.

There are rumors that Tom Steyer will be dropping out of the race after he didn't seem to make much of a dent in South Carolina.   I appreciated the fact that he went into this with a sense of humor and a vision for America but I could never get behind somebody who wears only one tie

His candidacy never took off mainly because he looks like the most boring old white guy there is and he staked his entire campaign on doing well in South Carolina where the black vote is the key.  

The nail in the coffin had to be the Back that Azz Up ( )video from a rally the other day because you have to think that church going black people in South Carolina watching this 70 year old dancing to that fled en masse.   Assuming of course there was ever a mass to flood 

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Friday, February 28, 2020

Take on the CDC poster

The CDC put out some facial hairstyle guide to using those face mask things and I'm frightened with how many terrible looks a white guy can have. I'm more frightened that the CDC has spent money and manpower on making this thing and there was nobody out there thinking we will be using a barber shop poster as the last line of defense.

I guess there is good information here as it comes down to a proper seal which is obviously not possible if you have a bit of scruff or some Ned Flanders stash but I kind of see this thing as a method of natural selection to try to get rid of a few Williamsburgh hipsters ...

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Take on the Bern

We are five days from Super Tuesday which means we are six days from the democratic field getting cut in half. I've watched the debates, I've read the arguments and I've had played out the scenarios

There are elections based on hope, there are campaigns base on change and others based on status quo and there are candidates whose entire stake is based on fear. This year it can't be about any of that, it must be based on sensibility.

‪At the end of the day there are five candidates who position themselves as the anti-Trump, bringing civility and sensibility back to the office and staking their campaign on America coming to its senses. Bernie is the one who stakes his candidacy on his own cult of personality‬
The case for Joe and Elizabeth and Pete and Amy and Mike are all the same in my eyes..strong leadership, strong morals and strong determination to turn back the tides of Trump. The case against all of them is they lack the pizzazz, they lack the passion and they lack the ability to get their supporters in a frenzy. But we are electing the leader of the free world which is a sobering responsibility in a time where this country needs to unite.

The case for Bernie is that he has a grand vision and he believes it in his core. The argument against it is that he's the only candidate where the case against him will be as easy for the right to make to the middle as the case against Trump is to make by the left to the same constituency.
I believe Bernie's dream is important, his quest has merit and his drive can be infectious but he's also the most alienating politician the democrats can throw out there. He'll have a 50/50 shot at best and his candidacy will destroy the downstream ticket.

I'd take Bernie over Trump but would take every single candidate over Bernie

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Take on the new coronaczar

Trump called a press conference today to announce the hiring of a coronaczar. We were expecting a leading infectious disease doctor or a scientist. It figured it might be somebody within government who had experience running a department through a major crisis. Instead we got Mike F'n Pence, the guy who believes in conversion therapy and doesn't see a connection between cancer and smoking. But don't worry, the guy who will hold him accountable is Trump who justifies not exercising because believes a person is born with a finite amount of energy and doesn't want to waste any of it.

We're so screwed

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Take on the quick de rate review

There will be plenty of time for debate review tomorrow but for tonight we thought we should let you know who the winners and losers were

The winners were..nobody. This was awful, the candidates were atrocious, CBS did a terrible job at keeping this controlled. When the candidates at the event dubbed a "debate" actually wanted to debate the moderators pivoted to completely different issues. Bernie tried to go after Pete and Pete was ready to respond and the moderators turned to..Tom Steyer who looks like he just wandered onto the stage looking for a Chipotle. I have absolutely no idea why he's there.

Pete is so good except he speaks like thy chick from Small Wonder. Warren is great but she shakes her head in a way that reminds me of Muhammad Ali and that scares me a bit. Biden came out firing in the second half as if somebody slipped him a Viagra. Amy is just so bad at this. Bernie is nuts and I cannot understand how the Democrats are ever going to rally around him. Bloomberg should hire an impersonator because he's awful at this

By the way the losers are......all of us for giving a crap

Bernie will win which means Trump will win.

Thanks America

Monday, February 24, 2020

Take on the cannon

In 2015 Trump proclaimed that a sitting president should be shot out of a cannon if the market falls by more than 1000 points in a day.  We know he's not one who keeps his promises but I think we'd all agree that this would be welcome news for the country.

For laughs I looked up the 1000 point loss days

There have been three

Give you one guess who was the president for those three events. 
Load up the cannon

In fairness he was talking about the Dow Joans

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Sunday, February 23, 2020

Take on Bernie Castro

We were just starting to wrap our heads around a Bernie nomination when he goes out and stabs his entire campaign in the urethra with his compliment of Fidel Castro. It's like a Bernie is goading the Democrats at this point, daring them to not nominate him and that's playing right into Trump's hands. We know Trump is pushing for Bernie to set up a contested convention and he know that although Bernie has his crazies, he is just not electable when it comes to the normal side of the Democratic Party

But keep trying to push this's like the wacky left wants a guy leading them who can out Trump Trump and we all know the chances of that being successful is about as likely as Medicare for All

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Take out the Nevada caucus

Bernie did it again!! The third time in three primaries he won, or nearly won, and he's got a full head of steam heading into South Carolina. I can't say I'm happy about much that Bernie stands for but will still pull the levee for him over Trump in November. I think after South Carolina we will be left with four viable nominees. Biden will disappoint again and be sent packing, Amy is just getting smoked. Bernie will be there, Mike's money and ad blitz will keep him in, Pete night be able to stay in by the skin of his teeth and Warren deserves a longer look

But it is starting to look more and more like a Trump v Bernie battle and I'm not loving our chances

Friday, February 21, 2020

Take on Doug Collins

When I heard that Doug Collins wasn't interested in working for a Trump it restores faith in the NBA...when I found out it wasn't that Doug Collins it restored faith in humanity.   Unlike ambassador Grenell, Collins apparently wasn't ready to turn one of the most important intelligent positions into another partisan hack job designed to protect Trump. 

But it begged the question why Trump would even float his name if they had not, at minimum, checked to make sure he was interested.  

$50 says Trump's going to come out and say he meant the other Doug Collins

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Thursday, February 20, 2020

Take on the Democratic Debate

It was showtime in Las Vegas and all six remaining viable candidates came out swinging. The issue was they all beat the piss out of each other (actually mostly the piss out of Bloomberg) and spent almost no energy going after the big elephant not in the room. And it became very clear that the Democrats are probably not going to beat Trump in November.

The Democrats left are a mishmash of recycled ideas, fake teeth and a guy screaming at everybody.

Biden wants us to go back to Obama circa 2012, Pete and Amy do too. Mike wants to take away your large soda but make you sign an NDA to do so. Elizabeth sounds like a professor when her audience are a bunch of high school drop outs and Bernie is going to have a coronary at any time.

The grand ideas of Medicare for All sounds great but nobody has quite figured out how to pay for it. I hear the argument about lower deductibles and copays from Bernie but that feels like the politician who says he will cut the debt by going after pork. Good idea but it won't put a dent in the pig

But the debate will not be remembered for policy but rather how badly Bloomberg did. He doesn't inspire in his tone, he lacks political bravado and his pragmatic approach doesn't make for good sound bites.

Anyway here is our top 6

Warren. There were times when everything she says sounds well thought out practical policy which is about as exciting as watching paint dry. There are times she attacks her rivals where it sounds like she could undermine Trump with pure debat smarts but the times she sounds genuinely passionate is when she best resonates. I'd love to see her on stage against Trump but I'm sure Trump will avoid debating all together

Pete. He never seems flustered, he never seems angry and he never seems out of his league even when his experience clearly keeps him out of their league. His exchange with Amy on the Mexican President was actually legit but he was made to look small by Warren

Biden. I'm shocked that Biden takes spot 3 because he so often falls flat but last night he seemed like the good Biden. The Biden who speaks to people, the Biden with some fire, the Biden who can connect . But his is startling to look more and more like a grandfather more concerned about his melanoma treatment than policy.
But it helps that everybody avoided going after him, it was a weird deference to the old guy. Maybe they are trying to keep him around to knock him out later

He's nuts but does make a good point about Denmark and Canada

I want to love Amy
I want to embrace Amy
I want to put a lawn sign up supporting Amy
But she is so bad at this. The woman who plays her on SNL looks more like Amy than she does herself.

Over the lasts five weeks I've moved more and more to embracing Bloomberg. I hate the buying a presidency thing but also do love the idea of not being able to be bought by special interests. I think Bloomberg is genuine about issues I care about (global warming, gun control, keeping people healthy) and I think he has the right pragmatic skills to make it work. I like that he wouldn't be beholden to anybody which works if you agree with him on the major issues
But I can't imagine Bloomberg up there with Trump and it going real well. He looked so overmatched and his double down twitter ad campaign afterward seemed like he was overcompensating

But the real winner of the night was Donald Trump because it was a total sh*t show

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Take on Bill Barr’s empty threat

Bill Barr pulled his best Susan Collins impression when he made it known that he was considering quitting over Trump's tweets. I'm considering becoming a millionaire, I'm considering donating my liver, I'm considering naming my pinky into the door frame.

Bill Barr has been carrying Trump's water for the last few years and has overseen the swampiest swamp Washington has ever witnessed. He's emboldened Trump to lean into his narcissistic view of the world where he'd like to run our republic like a totalitarian regime.

So please hold the sauce on this one, Bill. Until you dramatically stomp out of the White House with your briefcase in one hand and your happy meal in the other, I'm not buying it.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Take on Mini Mike vs Extra Large Fries Trump

Trump is going all in on Bloomberg using the Mini Mike nickname thinking that will hurt Bloomberg's feelings. The sad thing for Trump is that if Bloomberg and Trump both stood on their money, Trump wouldn't see Bloomberg's shoelaces. Trump feels so inadequate next to Bloomberg that he feels insulting his height is now good political strategy.
I liked the low energy Jeb! thing, the crooked Hillary thing was effective and stuck, Shifty Adam Schiff is sort of funny but Mini Mike is kind of lame because it is not particularly clever or funny. Crazy Bernie has a ring to it, Sleepy Chuck Schumer does too.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Take on Bolton’s book

John Bolton doesn't care about his country, he fixed the care about right and wrong and he doesn't care about clearing his name in any meaningful way. He cares about making money and there is one way for him to do that and it involves his book. Bolton never testified in front of the house, got out of testifying in front of the Senator when Mitch strong armed a couple of moderates and stayed quiet through the impeachment hearing.

But he turned into WokeBolton when it was announced his book was ready to roll not coming out with a book and he's doing the rounds
This is what's wrong with America, our public servants are all too happy to hide from their true responsibilities as Americans and collect millions

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Take on the Daytona 500 political campaign event

Trump showed up at the Daytona 500 and took a lap in his limo and got the first time we all saw just how incredibly fat he is. The car was so lobsided in the side he was sitting in that it almost looked like it was going to do that Snoop Dog thing where it's riding on the two wheels. Of course the Trump faithful at the event loved it because nothing says NASCAR like a guy in a suit, face makeup, man boobs and a tie that hangs over his dingy. Well maybe the man-boobs

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Take on Bloomberg’s running mate

Drudge broke a story that the Bloomberg campaign had reached out to Hillary to play second banana to his big banana and it became immediately clear this was just a plant by the Trump people to make their banana look bigger than Bloomberg's. I have no idea if Mike would take Hillary but I can't see it helping him in any demographic he desperately needs. What Bloomberg needs is the support of black women and nobody would help him more than Kamala..who would align with him politically very nicely. She'd also give up a safe seat in the senate and would offer a young VP choice to an old presidential candidate.

But one thing is for sure, the ticket will get attacked and making it as Trump proof as possible will be key and If there is one thing that Mike's problem is that he ca go toe to toe (and dollar for dollar) with Donald

Friday, February 14, 2020

Take on the low Barr of Justice

Nothing was more obvious that the interview Bill Barr gave to ABC News was nothing more than a publicity stunt designed to give the appearance of autonomy of the Justice Department. His entire mantra of his job being made more difficult because of Trump's incessant tweeting was fabricated for TV which was most obvious is Trump's shrug your shoulders reaction when he was told about it.

If there is one thing that has been made clear over the last three years is Trump believe the DOJ is an extension of TeamTrump and should be working for the sole purpose of defending him against anybody who dares to cross him. He has weaponized a cabinet position to punish enemies and embolden allies.

Barr can't order a large coffee extra cream and four sugars and three donuts without Trump's blessing, the idea that he would go after him publicly is as laughable as Susan Collins thinking Trump has learned his lesson

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Take on the reappearance of Jeb!

Poor Jeb!

He's stayed out of the spotlight for the last four years just trying to stay out of Trump's ire and there, without notice, Trump bashes him again and shoves him back into a locker. Trump can't stand Bloomberg because Mike is everything Trump wishes he could be...well liked, smart and actually rich and it proves again that when Trump gets aggravated he acts like a classic bully. As soon as he's picked on by somebody richer, smarter, better than him he finds the fat kid with the glasses and gives him a wedgie, if I'm Bill Barr I'd watch my back

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Take on Trey

Trey Gowdy is back in the news and he looks more and more like a skinny Ellen. I'm not sure if it's the terrible haircut, those weird glasses or the overall appearance like he wears women's panties but he's got one of the weirdest looks going for

He also seems to give Bill Barr a pass on the basis that he believes Trump should be given free reign to use the constitution as toilet paper...

Oh have to believe that the chances of his being the third wheel in a threesome is about 10000%

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Take on the self mutilating attorney general

With pressure from President Orange, the DOJ under the "leadership" of Bill Barr significantly lowered what they were initially asking for in a sentencing for Roger Stone. I'm not sure what the new DOJ recommendation is but Stone was facing 7-9 years which would have meant that by the time he got our, his Nixon tattoo would be down by his ass crack

All four prosecutors resigned in protest with the heavy handed move by Barr who seems like a guy who likes to squeeze his testicles to the point they lose sensation while beating off to show tunes

It's amazing how swampy this Drain the Swamp political movement seems to be...who could have guessed.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Take on the ratf*ck

Trump encouraged his loyalists to go to the democratic primaries in New Hampshire tomorrow and "ratf*ck" it. This is a great strategy do a bunch of college interns to mull over or makes for good fodder ford midday talk radio but not sure the leader of the free world should be encouraging such a thing. Then again, I remember Rush coming up with Operation Chaos where he tried to encourage his followers to vote for Obama over Hillary in the primaries thinking Obama was the weaker candidate

That worked out well.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Take on crazy Lindsey

It's well established that Rudy is crazy and we know that Lindsey is at minimum compromised but today he jumped into the deep end fully clothed. I'm not quite sure what happened but when I speak in public and start to veer off, I usually catch myself and try to pivot. It's not always successful and it's often obvious but at least I recognize that I may sound like a lunatic
But Graham is now openly admitting that Trump has instructed Bill Barr to use Rudy as a point man for dirt on Joe Biden

The AG is now a complete puppet for the president and the GOP is complicit in the entire thing.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Take on Joe Manchin.

Joe Manchin has always a big of an enigma to me. I can't understand how any democrat could ever get elected in West Virginia let alone a guy who seems to have a stranglehold on the position. He's always a bit of a wild card when it comes to holding the line but he came through and voted his conscious in the impeachment vote. Like Doug Jones he's certainly at odds with his constituents with votes like this which will make his next reelection bid a bit more challenging . In Jones' case “challenging re-election bid” is likely an understatement but I'd think he’d  have an uphill climb with or without this vote on his record.   He hasn’t endeared himself to hardcore Trumpers obviously as those guys were likely to write in Roy Moore anyway.  Not sure how the average conservative voter in Alabama feels and Doug Jones not win anyway but at least he can stand proudly knowing he did the right thing and not the politically expedient one and knowing that anyone who supports Moore is knowingly supporting a pervert.

But Trump went hard after Manchin on twitter calling him weak, pathetic and a puppet. This was expected but shows again that Trump never builds bridges, he digs ditches
Question now is are West Virginians more likely to side with their senator for the last forty years or crazy man Trump??

Friday, February 7, 2020

Take on the spray tan

A recent photo of Trump returning from Charlotte was released this afternoon and he looks worse than usual.

Somehow he left the house and Melania forgot to add bronzer to his entire face, leaving him looking like Ronald McDonald when his fake hair was pulled back by the wind. It's like photo of the Joker only more sinister
I don't care much what our President looks like but when he makes it a habit to comment on other's looks and physical stature, it's certainly enjoyable to see him get some of his own medicine

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Take on Trump’s Bridgegate

Trump is a petty and vindictive human, a man whose own ego could never allow for compassion or morality. Today it was announced that New York residents will not longer be able to sign up for Global Entry in why the DHS claims is because of a policy to let undocumented workers get state ID's.
This is obviously garbage and is likely another example of Trump deciding to flex this muscle because he's upset that New York State is working to get their hands on his tax returns.
His thought is that if he puts enough pressure on regular people, they will revolt and push their representatives to cave to his newest request.
It's interesting that this was announced after Trump and his kin all renounced their New York residencies meaning Little Don or Dumb Eric will be affected

This is where we are, a president now uses federal policy to inflict pain on constituents, feels a bit BridgeGatey doesn't it?

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Take on Rush

Rush Limbaugh was honored with the presidential Medal of Freedom because over his lifetime he has done so much for humanity. He has worked tirelessly to bring people together, shown compassion for the downtrodden and helped heal our country during some of our darkest times. He has brought good solid Christian values to his many marriages, he has brought happiness to people of all political colors and he has done it without an ounce of need for self gratification. He's everything we should hope our children can eventually become

Just kidding he's a misogynistic, egomaniacal racist who sows division every time he opens his big mouth

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Take on the Gallup poll

A Gallup poll yesterday showed Trump hitting 49% which is his highest approval rate since taking office and for the life of me I can't understand why.
Trump's been impeached, there is talk of censure and his handling of most situation have been an abject failure
But this is where we are now, a president whose only interest is his own promotion, one who doesn't see the presidency as having any greater value than what he thinks he can make from it...and somehow Americans are buying in.
There is no part of me which will understand the appeal to this man after having seen him as our commander in chief for the last 3+ years. Yet half my brethren now approve of him. I'm flabbergasted

Monday, February 3, 2020

Take on the stable genius

Trump is such a moron that he doesn't realize that his original campaign slogan when used now is a complete contradiction to his claim is his own success.
This is the same idiot who didn't realize Kansas City wasn't in Kansas, the stable genius who spells worse than an TOR contributor and the same putz who seems to be confused by basic governance.

But the best thing is that he tweeted both Make America Great Again and Keep America Great at the same time. There is no doubt he's the same guy who ignores the no diving 4 feet sign

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Take on the real billionaire

Mike Bloomberg has flooded the airwaves with ads and my entire Twitter feed seems to be sponsored tweets and he's used it all to slowly cut down Trump on every one of his policy decisions....and Trump has finally noticed.
Trump is so easy to ready, the second he feels intimated, he lashes out and attacks rivals most often on physical appearances.
But this is where Bloomberg has him perfectly cornered because most of the time Trump picks his fights by trying cut somebody down but you have to think Bloomberg is not going to get nervous about this and may instead just spend more money to attack Trump

Hopefully he goes after him for wearing depends, lifts in his shoes, fake tan spray and has a gigantic ass because it's time for somebody to take this loser to the woodshed

Take on the loser in chief

Trump is such a loser..I can't believe I have to explain that our president is such an insecure schmuck that he had to draw on a hurricane map because he screwed up and said it was going to hit.Alabama. This moron was so defensive that he drew on it with a sharpie and the freedom of information act now shows how embarrassingly annoyed officials were with this entire charade.
But at the end Trump's supporters don't care thinking that his stupidity owns the libs and have just gotten to the point where they say that you can't take anything he says literally or seriously because of judges and tax cuts and whatever

I'm sick of people hiding behind that, you own your vote for all of don't get to wipe your hands clean of his misogyny, his racism, his insensitivity because apple and Facebook now get away with with not paying taxes.