Friday, September 20, 2024

Take on vaping Trump

When the candidate for president decides to use his forum to brag about how he made vaping go bigly, we know we are in trouble. I have no idea where Trump's head is to think that vaping has been a positive to this country. Thinking this isn't a crisis is about as dumb as thinking Haitians are eating cats and dogs. Every bathroom of every high school in this country is stacked with kids vaping which -at least- they weren't doing in the 80's.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Take on the gu owner

Trump said he was going to win New York and Kamala decided to one up him and claim she could capture half the GOP vote. She was on with Oprah today and find the audience she's a gun owner and that if somebody breaks into her house they are going to get shot.


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Take on Melania

I'm almost 100% certain that the Melania Trump memoir was written using AI. I've heard the woman speak and to call her anything but a total hack would be an understatement. We know why she is where she is not on any merit There was no chance she made it as an immigrant on some fast track because of her intellect. I also am not sure the idea of her speaking out about her nudes will help her husband's campaign but it certainly got us all to Google them again.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Take on Puff Daddy

Puffy being caught with an AR15 isn't shocking. A bunch of ammunition isn't either. What I'm actually surprised about was that they haven't reported any drugs, prostitutes or stacks of unmarked bills but what really caught my attention was what he did have. I'm not sure why anybody needs 1000 bottles of baby oil and lubricant although I get people have all sorts of fetishes but this seems a bit excessive even for me. But what seems ludicrous about this is that they even confiscated it, as far as I know it's not against the law to have lube or sex this or whatever.

Not sure why it would be seized and almost as impotently why it would be made public by the US Attorney.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Take on the WFH bull

Only a few short years ago a bunch of big companies were falling over one another to convince themselves that the work from home model made people more productive. I have never believed this as I know most people will abuse anything good that they are ever offered. They are also inherently lazy and the thought that people would work more has always been laughable. So I'm not shocked most companies are calling their employees back but I am shocked it took them so long. One thing for sure this will do great things to revitalize city centers and help hundreds of thousands of small mom and pop places.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Take on the AK47 carrying guy at Trump’s golf course

I've been paying attention to politics and have never seen anything like we have seen recently. I can't even see how we get back to normalcy when there are literally assassins walking about Ma-a-Lago. I hate Trump as much as anybody but I want to beat him in the election and every time there is a movement like this, I wonder what the heck we are doing.

Let's get back to normal.

Plus this will only get him more votes.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Take on Springfield

The more I think about this Springfield Ohio story, the more I realize just how nuts it is. Imagine your little town which went through a horrible tragedy is being used as a political paw by a party that you would almost certainly endorse. I'm sick and tired of these guys getting away with this bull but it's not as if they are disparaging my town, yours is the one that is being used as baseless fodder

Friday, September 13, 2024

Take on Laura

The speculation of Trump sleeping with Laura Loomer was on full display today. It's pretty obvious he's tagging her as Melania has been nowhere near him for months. But what is really delicious is that her banging Trump got MTG's gym shorts in a bunch and now there is an all out cat fight. Sadly they are grossly unattractive

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Take on the debate fallout.

I've been playing the debate on an endless loop in my head. It was pretty obvious that after a bit of a struggle to get her footing in the very early parts of the debate, Kamala hits a groove and just kept needling Trump to the point he was losing all composure.

I am convinced it won't make much of a difference as the sycophants who blindly follow their Dear Leader have gotten so far down their rabbit holes that when they start trying to climb out they are just digging back deeper. We know this election will be close and the fact it will come down to Harris' campaign needing to pull a few more Philadelphia voters out than Trump convincing a few in rural western Pennsylvania ones is a scary prospect.

Oh how I miss the days of Mitt Romney and John McCain.

Take on stupidly

Although i look down upon it, I'm never insulted by pure ignorance when it comes to social or political commentary but I am when it comes to stupidity. I guess the two are often seen as being interwoven but i see ignorance as lack of knowledge which isn't excusable especially when you spent time prophesying on an issue but stupidity means that the position on an issue you are defending is in itself idiotic.
Please god don't tell me that there are people in this fine country that are spending time thinking their neighbors are eating their cats.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Take on the USB charging port on my plane.

It's really time for these airlines to start adding that smaller USB port to their TV screens. I haven't bought a device with a charger that uses that old USB thing in forever and every cable I have in my bag is for this new type. It's fine at home but you get into a plane and now you are stuck throwing a hot dog down a hallway.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Take on the latest polls

Over the weekend the New York Times released their latest polls to show that the Harris bump was maybe just a bump and she's fallen back to looking up at Trump. I'm not convinced it's inevitable but I'm also not happy to see some of the momentum slowing and maybe reversing. What shocks me is that there are still people out there who claim to not have made up their mind of Trump.. to this I ask "really? Either you find him a deplorable human with no morals or you see him as the second coming of Christ. There really is not middle ground"

Sunday, September 8, 2024

The on the debate

We know the debate is going to get ugly as Trump won't get into details but instead will insult Harris for a couple of hours. It's interesting the Harris team want the mic's on as they know it will likely lead to Trump craziness but also will not change anybody's mind. We know Trump and the fact that half this country is still thinking that another term is a fine idea makes me question so much.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

The on the mother

The Georgia mother of the school shooter is looking to get out of her responsibility to the murders and now claims that she warned the school in advance. I'm not 100% sure what the outcome is for got be but if your husband buys a prepubescent kid a gun, you have a responsibility

Friday, September 6, 2024

Take on Tricky Dicky

saw a thread post that said that this is the part where Cheney throws Trump down the reactor shaft. I can't ever like Dick Cheney for all he's done but even I have to appreciate him taking country over party here. Liz was the first and paved the way which was amazing. But since they Dick stood up straight intent to bang through and now we just need Bush to come next.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

The on the worlds worst dad

I was happy we are finally starting out some responsibility on the parents of these school shooters who for so long have avoided any culpability. I can't come up with a sane reason why a dad would gift a 13 year old at the time an AR47. When you add in the kid had already been visited at home by law enforcement in connection to none posts about school shooting, this just seems nuts. Let the dad get hanged in a public square

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Take on the big story

FoxNews keeps getting its panties in a bunch trying to get that one piece of Kamala info that will make her unrelatable. The issue is that they can't seem to find anything, she's seems like a pretty down to earth woman and so far they have the fact she wears ear pods as their go to sign of aloofness

I'm sure this is breaking their heart.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The on the Truth Social stock price

Seeing the Trump stock collapse in real time is great. It was always overhyped and propped up with money from Moscow but now that Trump himself went back to Xwitter, it has made Truth Social that much less relevant.
It's a shame that his millions maybe worth many millions less.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Take on Musk.

Driving around in a Tesla is basically driving around in a. Big red hat at this point showcasing how incredibly dumb I am for falling for this guy. I read an article on Wait but Why years ago and was convinced that Musk had plans for our country and the world that were righteous, altruistic and true. That article along with just about everything he's ever done has been self serving and morally objectionable. The problem for me is that I'm stuck with this tin can which by the way just cost $12k to fix after a fender bender.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Take on JD

The JD Vance experiment is going to go down as one of the worst of all time. I have always been of the impression that the VP pick should be somebody that adds something to the ticket be it some foreign policy experience or give some impression of virtue. But JD has gotten worse the more you get of him, like leaving milk out a bit too long. It sort of sucked to start off with but every hour that milk starts getting more and more curled