Friday, July 31, 2020

Take on the social distancing stop

Trump landed in Florida and was met with a smaller crowd than most families on a return from Disney World
Photos showed a few dozen people huddled together behind some barricades as Air Force One pulled up. This is what Trump has become, even in his adopted home state he can't draw any people as they are either leaving him in droves or dropping dead

I think the stance that Mitch "Donald's Bitch" McConnell took urging senators to distance themselves from Trump tells you all you need to know. When the hangers-on and the sycophants start leaving, the boat is taking on more water than it can stand and it's going down faster than Lindsey in the Oval Office.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Take on the latest attempt to change the narrative

Trump was sick and tied of hearing how 150,000 people died on his watch and he allowed Putin to kill American soldiers, so he changed the narrative

With a tweet the entire story went from his incompetence to his desire to move the election. Nobody in their right mind believes this would or could happen but Trump with just the suggestion, was able to change the entire day's stories to that.

It's brilliant politics and nobody does it better than Trump even if it is to the detriment of our country.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Take on the racist in chief

Trump isn't even hiding his disdain for blacks people anymore. He has sent in federal troops to silence BLM protestors in Portland and is starting the same thing in Chicago and New York. He obviously has a long history of off color commentary at its best and blatant racism at its worst (see the lost tapes of The Apprentice)
But today he went full dog whistle praising himself in rescinding a law that put low income housing in suburban neighborhoods. This has long been a responsible way to give disadvantaged communities an opportunity to success but Trump doesn't like it because he feels it negatively affects real estate pricing.

He may as well just go Fred Trump and put a No Black Allowed sign

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Take on Bill Barr

When Biden is sworn in and he announced Kamala as his first AG, her sight should be firmly set on the fat slob she will have replaced. Nothing will convince me that Barr is anything other than a very heavy Trump stooge and his conduct the Kat few months has been nothing short of criminal. He covers up for his boss, he has protesters beaten, arrested and abducted and he let that miserable Roger Stone slide on his watch.

When the criminal charges come out it's gotta be Trump, Jr, Eric, Jared, Barr and Pence all rolled out in one single day

Monday, July 27, 2020

Take on Hydroxychloroquine

The FDA did what we all expect a non partisan government agency to do, rebuke a false claim made by the president. There was never any good evidence to think this would be an effective treatment but Trump kept trying to make the case probably because he had some business interest in the maker of the product

When you can't trust the president for basic things, it leads to distrust in important things. Nobody feels they can trust what comes out of the White House or the many agencies it has mostly because nobody believes those agencies are not some kind of White House puppetry

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Take on Trump’s golf outing

Trump won't be throwing out the first pitch at Yankee stadium on August 15th because he will be too busy. This was an announcement he made after a weekend where a photo of him playing with Brett Favre from over the weekend made the rounds

I can't say I'm shocked as Favre has never seemed like he had much of a moral compass (see dick pic) but it just seemed like an odd time to post this photo as there were federal troops beating down protesters in Portland, a hurricane bearing down American soil and record Covid cases

What was more disappointing was how completely dumpy Trump looks. His belt is not on straight, he's got boob sweat, his turkey neck looks like he swallowed a raptor and his ass is so big you can now quite literally see it from the front

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Take on Eat, Drink, Man, Woman


Our president has been bragging about remembering five words in order and the entire episode has become a walking SNL skit. This is where Trump's insecurity really plays out, he so desperately wants to appear smart that he makes himself look like a bigger idiot every time he tries to defend himself

But now it's our turn to change our future. 100
Day until Election Day and if there was ever a time where we needed both a change and a return to normalcy, it's now

Friday, July 24, 2020

Take on Trump’s disapproval rating

Trump's always been pretty unpopular as he routinely falls somewhere in the 42% approval to 55% disapproval range.   But the gap seems to have been growing.   In recent times his disapproval range has risen to 60% while is approval range is now at 37%.   That is a 23% gap which for a sitting president has to be up there in the Nixon level historical lows. 

But what is more shocking is the that there is still around  3% of the population which is undecided on this issue   Who the hell are those people, if that this point you haven't made up your mind in Trump you are squarely in his corner but just afraid to admit it.  

So it's likely 60-40 which would still mean a landslide 

Sent from my iPhone

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Take on Dr Fauci

Dr Fauci is a great infectious disease guy but a terrible pitcher. His first pitch at the Nationals game was Baba Booey bad. But the more important thing is that Trump hasn't paid attention to what Dr Fauci has said and instead listens to the dumbest person in America..himself

Anyway, let's hope he spends more time in the lab and less time throwing out pitches.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Take on Trump’s take on Ghislaine Maxwell

When Trump was asked to comment on Ghislaine Maxwell, he didn't take the fifth, he didn't knock her, he didn't claim to. Or know her...instead he sent her a very clear message by saying he wishes her well

He knows that she carries with her some of his deepest darkest secrets and as long as she stays mum, he's going to be OK. But she also knows that a hanging in her cell isn't that far fetched a notion.

We're sure Bill Barr can arrange a bed sheet to be left right in her grasps

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Take on John Kasich

I've always been a fan of John Kasich, mostly because of those crazy Kung Fu hands he has even if I still don't know if you pronounce it with a harm "k" sound or a soft "ch"'sound at the end of his last name. But I'm a bigger fan now that he's announcing he's speaking at the DNC for Joe Biden. Kasich is a decent man, with mostly normal positions but he has one quality that not enough in his own party have...he has a heart for this country

He knows that although he may disagree on topics and substances, Joe Biden is what we need now mostly because he's a good man, with a history of service and ability to cross the aisle but mostly because he's not an orange lunatic

Monday, July 20, 2020

Take on Mitch

Mitch McConnell showed up at the White House today wearing a tan suit which the right wing media has already told us is equivalent to him bombing a small village.
I have no idea what prompted one of the palest humans to put on a tan suit but he looks like a complete and utter turd which is likely the look he's going to because otherwise he might get confused for a plantation owner

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Take on the Chris Wallace interview

Joe Biden's digital team can take a month off because instead of coming up with content, they should just replay the Chris Wallace interview. There have to be 10 good clips of Trump coming across as a total lunatic. He's one of the most mind numbingly dumb people who has ever walked the fine earth. We are sure that I'm ten years, we will try to pretend this four years didn't happened. Sadly the rest of the world won't allow us to pretend that

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Friday, July 17, 2020

Take of RBG

It's time to get serious, if there was ever a need for Joltin Joe Biden to make sure he crossed the finish line first, it's to make sure that he's going to be able to nominate Merrick Garland.
RGB might already pulling Weekend at Bernie's and even if she isn't, it seems every month if so she's only got a couple of weeks left. We need to make sure we keep her alive and well till November, maybe even January, to make sure her legacy won't be erased.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Take on water efficiency

Trump went on one of his tirades against shower heads which seems like an odd thing to focus on when you have nearly 140k dead Americans. But this is Trump, trying to turn the conversation from an awful response to a global pandemic to water efficiency toilets.
He hates water efficiency because it can possibly safe the planet which would go against his goal of destroying it.

As I've often said, had Trump run for the town water board council, there is no doubt in my mind he'd be embezzling money.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Take on the CDC data

Hospital data will be sent to the White House before sent to the CDC in what is an obvious attempt to tey to subvert oversight. You can guarantee that Trump will Re-submit the data to the CDC with a bunch of sharpie correction. This is how democracies and free societies fall, by giving in to a maniacal tyrant who needs to control his message. There will be no quality check, no second at of eyes, just a revised version of the truth to make the president look as good as possible. This is some Kim Jong Un level stuff

It was a nice run USA, we're going right down the path of the USSR

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Take on the Jeff Sessions loss in the Alabama GOP Senate runoff

Trump finally picked a winner..mostly by picking on a loser. Nobody gave Trump more of a boost in the run-up to 2016 than sessions and Trump kept his loyalty to Sessions for just long enough for Sessions to actually make a moral decision as AG
Trump will now tout the virtues of Tommy Tuberville who he would otherwise not be caught dead with.l as he gets ready to run against Doug Jones. I don't see Jones holding this off mostly because Tuberville is a football coach and Jones is a democrat and we know how Alabama feels about football and how they feel about Democrats. But the rest of the 2020 map is looking more winnable for the Democrats, a total ass whooping of Trump would be music to my ears.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Take on the attack on science

The White House has decided the best way to go on the offensive now is to attack scientists, doctors and facts as so brilliantly pointed out by the CNN chyron earlier today

It's incredible that the war they choose to fight isn't against Russia for putting bounties in our troops, not against a full court press to stop Covid in its tracks but the best fight we decide to engage in is one against science

There was an enlightened age, this will go down as the second dark ages.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Take on Betsy

The Trump cabinet is littered with incompetence and cronyism but there might not be a more damaging member than Betsy DeVos. First of all, she looks like a cross between Suze Orman and a skunked Barbie but that's is maybe the best thing about her. The rest of her is a miserable self gratifying, voucher loving wench and her loyalty to the almighty dollar and the almighty midnight snack loving leader.

Can't wait for Biden to fire her and rio her in a melting kettle Of lava.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Take on Trump Vader

Trump wore a mask today and the internet lost its lunch. The campaign tweeted out multiple pictures trying to convince Trump he looked cool, a video of him slowly walking down the hallway was plastered all over the internet sent out for the world to see
This was like watching Hamilton on Disney+ and brining it up in every conversation, the rest of the world's been doing it for months and you are late to the party.
The difference ce is that Hamilton tickets are $1500 and a mask is like $5 And had Trump and his cronies not politicized it, we'd have many more not-dead Americans.

The video showed him wearing the mask correctly, the subsequent pictures showed him wearing it like a hip-hop kid wears jeans.

Take on Roger Stone

The guy with a Nixon tattoo on his back will soon get a Trump right above his five hole in appreciation of Trump's clemency. Nothing feels less democratic than a communed sentence for a convicted insider who happened to be a senior advisor

Thus is Trump's world, friends are taken care of,
global allies are shunned and Putin is praised

We can't have November come quickly enough

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Take on incompetent Trump

Trump proves again that he's not nearly as smart as he thinks he is...and even that is an understatement. In a weird tweet where he went back to the well with the entire "we test too much" thing he started it off with "for the 1/100th time" which would imply significantly less than 1 time.

Of course his bathboy sycophant will rush to his defense claiming this is a typo or a misunderstanding or pull some obscure book out where it's referred which is odd since Trump doesn't read

Anyway, he's a moron and we are lucky to have him..or so he thinks

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Take on Betsy DeVos

Betsy DeVos is a truly horrible human and has done more damage to the public education sector in three years than all the previous education secretaries combined. As if that title wasn't enough, she doubled down hard and started to push Trump's re-election centric plan to open up all schools in September. I want my kids back in school but only if the science backs that prospect, but since DeVos doesn't believe in science, that would be a big ask

Just reading her comments, it's so obvious she's angling her entire position to defund the public education system and funnel it all into private schools

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Take on the school decision

Trump decided he'd be better to make decisions within local districts, counties and states than elected officials in those place when he strongly suggested that all US schools would be open in September. I'm ready for my kids to go back to school, so don't have any issues with our local school going back assuming they have well thought our plans and safety precautions but the idea of Trump strong arming anybody just to be political hack is nuts

Monday, July 6, 2020

TaKe on the cropped photo

Fox News conveniently cropped Trump out of a photo of Epstein, Maxwell, Melania and Trump. It was an odd choice and Fox News because the photo, in its entirety, has been circulating for weeks and Fox News later had to apologize. But this is where we are, the presidents media mouthpiece is happy to try to whitewash the president during a giant scandal and nobody seems to care

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Take on the Mount Rushmore of hate

Trump gave a Stephen Miller written speech trying to throw gasoline on the fire that has started already. Presidents should be bringing all Americans together during trying times while Trump has spent 3.5 years trying to wedge people apart. As a strategy, it's not terrible, as he knows that his only legitimate shot is to make sure his white uneducated FOXNews obsessed base are fired up.

The Washington Post OpEd spoke to these issues but the photo they posted to accompany the story was almost as if they superimposed Trump's face upon Mount Rushmore right next to Lincoln


Saturday, July 4, 2020

Take on Kanye Trump’s

America might go from the worst president we ever had to a guy who would be in second place immediately. Kanye West who is shocking mess qualified that Trump, threw his hat in the ring today, vying for a position that nobody wants him to have. The guy's proven himself to be a complete imbecile 99% of the time and the other 1% he's a total quack.
But this country was dumb enough to elect Trump, so I won't completely deny that this could happened. Which would the kind of travesty which would implode our country from within

Friday, July 3, 2020

Take on the mulligan I chief

Trump, who has often criticized Obama for golfing and said he'd be too busy to do it himself has now spent the equivalent of one full year at one of his properties many of them golfing. I never cared when Obama did it although I admired and appreciated it when W stopped going it while soldiers were fighting in Afghanistan. But Trump doesn't just golf, which in itself is fine, he only does it at his own properties which is the part that never sat right. It's not just that it's the four hours of golf. If it's the incredible cost of securing the entire perimeter. If he went to Dover Air Force base to it like Obama did most of the time, it would be a small cost but since he's only interested in enriching himself and promoting his product.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Take on the dummest Trumo

Eric Trump is often said to be the dummest Trump and today didn't do anything to prove those accusations false. He posted a photo of Chelsea Clinton's wedding we which showed Ghislaine Maxwell sitting in the audience which he captured with the phrase "Birds of a feather". What Eric failed to put together was that there are dozens of photos of Daddy Trump and Maxwell together which sort of undercuts his entire argument
But you have to judge Eric on a curve, any day he doesn't eat paint is a positive

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Take on the America FirstLogo

America First is Trump's 2020 motto although it was what the KKK used years ago and he's topping it with some nazi looking logo. I'm not sure who the hell advices these people but how does making your entire campaign look like some white supremacy march ever going to be a good idea?
But this is what Trump is, his dad was a card carrying me ever of the KKK and Trump seems to be following in his footsteps.