The Obama "surprise" appearance was spoiled just SLIGHTLY by the MSNBC crew. These idiots can never let the moment be, they have to hear themselves talk.
Reminds me of when 880 broke into commercials between innings of their Yankee Broadcast to announce Roger Clemens was coming back and going to address the crowd. "oh My goodness Gracious"
Keith Olberman = John Sterling
Chris Matthews = Michael Kay
Rachel Maddow = Suzyn Waldman
Chuck Todd = Brian Fergunson
Too bad the Yankee broadcast doesn't have somebody as hot as Nora O'Donnell
Couple of notes
The handoff from Biden to Obama was terribly staged, not only did the news stations jump the headline, the entire thing felt contrived and phony. It took way too long for him to come out on the stage, poor Biden was standing there like a circus monkey. But most importantly why would the DNC take away from his 75,000 person address tonight by having him come out for 3 minutes last night?
Although maybe he was trying to score some points with the ladies...
Not sure but did Obama kiss Biden's wife on the lips?
Plus did you see the way that Nancy Pelosi hugged Obama? I think she had the back leg up and everything.
I thought Biden might have a heart attack in the middle of his acceptance speech, or at least rip off the mask to reveal Howard Dean. Not a very smooth delivery out of him, but I guess Biden's auditory speech ability is NOT what brought him to this ticket.... right?
Problem with many of these politicians is that they don't have the ability to be forceful without screaming. Most people aren't blessed with a great set of pipes like Bill, Obama and John Sterling, but the guys that don't have this ability (Biden, Hillary, Michael Kay) would do us all a lot of good by not just screaming when they are trying to intense. Biden comes across as an absolute psychopath.
How do like to be Bill Richardson, first you throw Bubba and Hil under the bus in hopes of getting the VP slot, then you find out a guy with fake hair and teeth got it instead and then the DNC bumps you from your prime time speech.... Oof
Michelle Obama has got to stop wearing turquoise colors, between those colors and that huge forehead she looks like a billboard for an aquarium.
For all the accolades MSNBC threw at Bill "Mike Shannahan" Clinton, I thought he did not come across as very genuine. He seemed annoyed at the reception he got, he never gave you ONE reason why Obama was actually "Ready To Lead"
Other than the fact that Bill was also young in '92. I for one did not think that speech helped Obama much cause it upstaged Biden but wasn't all that helpful either.