Sunday, April 19, 2020

Take on the lockdown protests

Thousands of people took to streets and to state government buildings to protest the stay at home measures that states have taken to protect t their residents. Nobody likes these quarantines but we are all sacrificing some personal freedom so the death toll doesn't hit 100,000 or more. The argument I had this week was with a guy who bright young the old lame "the flu killed 80,000 people last year" argument. My response was, that was over a 6-8 month period, we have lost 40,000 in 5 weeks AND despite going into full lockdown mode. Had we not done that, we could be looking at 250,000 dead Americans. So you give up your freedom to hang our at a park so that we don't have to bury grandma and grandpa, and mom and dad and cousin Ed and little Betty and the neighbor etc

Seems like a fair trade off

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