Monday, April 20, 2020

Take on the death of Kim Jong Un.

Reports out of North Korea are that Kim Jong Un's health is poor after some kind of surgery which we can only hope meant they had to shave that terrible haircut. We aren't ones to joke about the health of others, well that's no entirely true, but if Kim dies because of this, it will be one of the most momentous moments in US Korean history. The first question would be who would succeed him and take over running the country. He doesn't have any grown children and his siblings were overlooked when he took the throne.
This could actually be the nail in the coffin for the entire North Korean regime because without a Kim there really is no authority.

Anyway, Trump would get some credit for being president while this happened which will just go to his head. If this was actually some CIA plot sanctioned by Trump it would probably boost his standing above 50% and would likely lead to another four years

But then again Kim is a fat slob and maybe this was gastrointestinal surgery and when cutting his stomach they found it stuffed with Twinkie's they needed a wet vac to pull them all out.

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