Saturday, April 18, 2020

Take on Kayleigh Ann’s numbers

Kayleigh Ann McEnany tried to tout Trump's accomplishments but in typical Trump fashion, she stumbled over herself in trying to pat her boss on the back. She first tried to give Trump credit for gloves, masks and respirators when most people would give credit to the people who actually got those since Trump wasn't exactly picking them up at the airport and paying for them out of pocket. It also reminds us all that he didn't take it seriously early on and lost valuable weeks when he should have been preparing for the storm, instead he reacted to the aftermath of it. You can't take credit for getting them if you don't take blame when we were wildly unprepared in the first place

What was worse was that it was tone deaf. You can brag about gloves and mask and shields but realize that all those numbers will only remind Americans about a more important number...the number of dead Americans.

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