Saturday, July 13, 2019

Take on an interesting day.

Half of the executive branch stared at men in cages who haven't showered in two weeks while the other rolled around in dirty with a spineless weasel. Mike Pence -who will be out of a job in a year and a half replaced by Ivanka- toured one of the detention centers along with Lindsey Graham and seemed not all too upset about people being housed in a way we won't even let chickens be raised. The other half stood with a guy who looks like a chicken with a brush of pubic hair on top of his head after yet another day of golf.

This is how this administration should be remembered uncaring on one side and so aloof that he doesn't understand the implications on the other.

We have lost all moral standing as a nation after this debacle We'd need to elect a ticket of Mother Teresa and Princess Di at the next election to have any hope for redemption

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