Sunday, July 14, 2019

Take on “go back..where they came from”

This really needs no commentary but it's so vile, it's so xenophobic and it's so inherently racist that had a fringe disc jockey used it, he's be out of a job but when our president does, it's just another day.
The GOP has been cowardly in their condemnation, or better yet lack of, when it comes to Trump. They've sold their souls for two justices and a tax cut and it doesn't seem to bother any of them that they are walking around without them. Our country's darkest days seem to still lie ahead because when we go from the beacon of hope, from the shining house on top of the hill to whatever this has become, we have lost.

We no longer can wave a moral flag when it comes to the rest of the world, we have that up that dark day in November..but now we must wear this period like a Scarlett letter.

I can only hope we only have a year and a half left of this, but knowing the dog whistle this kind of verbiage is to his base..I'm not holding my breath.

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