Friday, July 12, 2019

Take on Trump’s revolving cast.

We always assumed Trump would have a hard time keeping people to work for him, mostly because he's a self centered sociopath who will throw anybody under the bus as quickly as he'll change his mind on policy decisions. Even knowing that, the fact that he's already had 13 cabinet members depart after Acosta resigned today, is shocking. Add to that the non cabinet members and the CNN graphic looks like Hollywood Squares on steroids. It's like every week is another episode of Bewitched and we have a new Darren...if Darren was a lying sociopath himself.

We're 2 1/2 gears into this travesty and traveling around Europe most people here believe we are going to be in this mess for another 5 1/2 years as populism is a hard concept to unseat. I have to believe we are better than that but then again I never imagined we'd be here today

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