Friday, May 24, 2019

Take on Nadler

The Jerry Nadler fainting video is troublesome and I'm not just talking about the health of the New York congressman. It's troubling because as a guy who has been a thorn in the side of Trump, this will change the narrative and give Trump just the kid of weakness he will grab onto. You can see that De Blasio tries to shake him out of it without causing a scene but it's not enough and he's basically surrounded by EMTs within 30 seconds .

Im starting to think that these fainting spells (Nadler this week, Hillary on the campaign trail) are actually an act of sabotage. Somehow the Russians are slipping a quaalude into the drinks of older Democrats, making them pass out in public. It's likely some highly engineered item with no side effects and is probably just enough juice to keep it short lasting

I'm focusing on a more on the fact that Trump is so jacked up on cocaine and speed that the chances of his ticker giving out has to hover around 200%

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