Thursday, May 23, 2019

Take on the owning the libs President

Poor Donald, anybody who spends most of his time trying to convince them that he's a stable genius is likely not stable or a genius. But like most things Trump, he can never let a slight go unchecked and today was. I different he decided to tweet a video of Nancy Pelosi stammering though a press conference.

Sadly, there are hundreds of ones like this that aren't spliced with Trump at the helm with him using the same five adjectives (tremendous, extraordinary, incredible, horrible, terrible) over and over again like he's one of those wind up dolls. But the irony of going after Pelosi with his own shortcomings is lost on him, as he continues to protect his own inadequacies upon his political enemies which somehow his two pebbles brained followers seem to think is the ultimate "owning the libs" moment.

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