Saturday, May 25, 2019

Take on the democratic field.

The Washington Post had a blaring headline on an analysis in how each of the 25 democratic presidential candidates could win. Allow me save you (and myself) ten minutes of your life and give you the real analysis. Looking at the 24 or so candidates I figure about 21 of them can't win anything resembling a national election..or beauty contest

It comes down to less than five candidates who have any hope at all...sorry Bill De Blasio, Amy Kobachar, Starbucks guy and a bunch of others I can't pick out of a lineup

Bernie has no shot, he's gotten crazier by the second and Elizabeth Warrren has take. His thunder. Biden could win if the democrats like the old white guy thing and don't think they need a grassroots type push and are just hoping to play it safe..and he might punch Trump in the mouth which would be cool.

Booker has a VP. Kamala has a shot as she's the best of the bunch. Warren is incredibly smart and well thought out and has zero chance. Beto is like Coldplay, everybody is over it. Mayor Pete is a great story, a vet, speaks ten languishes and is cool until you get to his preachy weird anti vaccine thing. Kristen Gillibrand should save herself the trouble and the embarrassment and just leave..not drop out but instead just stop campaigning and go back to be a senator and never mention it one else will either. The Castro guy shares a name with an arch nemesis which makes it as likely as a guy named Hussein winning election.

There are a few others on this photo who I don't recognize other than the fact the all look very white and very boring except for the one Asian guy who looks like an absolute lunatic in the photo.

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