Friday, February 8, 2019

Take on Bezos’ exposed Pecker

The new deep throat may be a dick-pic which is as 2019 as you can ever get.  The idea that AMI was trying to blackmail the world's richest man and publisher behind Democracy Dies in Darkness based on a phone hack is laughable, this goes much deeper and likely involves an orgy of Putin, Trump, MBS, Assad, Jared, Cohen, Manafort and Kim Jung Un which is about as grotesque a visual as you can have.   All of which will get exposed now that David Pecker tried to blackmail Bezos but left Pecker as the one fully exposed 

We don't know the details yet but we do know that Jeff Bezos went on the offensive against AMI and we can think of a few good reasons

- he's already going to lose half in the divorce at this point anyway as I'm sure that's all arranged already, so he's got nothing more to lose there.  The National Enquirer cost him this by outing his afraid and Bezos is not going to get a little wienie like David Pecker get the best of their sword fight. 

- he knows that this is likely something which is rooted directly in the White House and it's going to lead to biggest break since Watergate.  He's a newsman now and this stance creates the exact storm that the WaPo will help bring to a conclusion

- like all things Bezos, he likely hung like a horse and if you can go anywhere, date anybody and buy anything (and have it delivered in two days for free) this embarrassment is likely the only way for him to get his rocks off. 

- this is his first entry into the 2020 election... he's going to make his announcement with the American Flag waving of his unit at full staff. 

Sent from my iPhone

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