Saturday, February 9, 2019

Take on Trump’s health

Every time Trump goes to the doctor he gets a board certified medical professional to swallow his prize and felate Don in front of the world. Whether it was the weirdo with the long hair who said, with no basis, that Trump would be the healthiest president of all time or the guy last year who was subsequently rumored to take over the VA, Trump always gets them to spew the most unreasonable crap about him

The latest iteration is the letter from the head of a group of 11 doctors at Walter Reed who said he was in very good health and will remain so for the duration of his Presidency, and beyond" which is as believable a comment as saying Trump isn't morbidly obese. There is no doctor worth his salt who would predict the next decade of a patient this forcefully let alone one who doesn't exercise, works in the most stressful job in the world, is 50+ pounds overweight and has a horrible diet yet somehow Trump cons them all into a state of professional coma.

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