Thursday, February 7, 2019

Take on Presidential Harassment

Poor Trump, this is the day he realized that the writing is in the wall and he's officially screwed with the announcement of Adam Schiff that they are going no holds barred against the President and all his men. He went on a Twitter year today with posts about Presidential Harassment and the question we ask is who is harassing who? Doest Presidential Harassment by definition mean that the president is doing the harassing? When you hear Police Harassment it's not the cops that are being harassed, they are the ones doing the harassing. If a man is involved in sexually harassment he's the one ogling his secretary's chest, so Trump May have shown again why he has the best words.

Either way the beautiful irony of all of this "Presidential Harassment" is that in the last decade the president who got harassed constantly for a fake birth certificate was Obama and the harasser was one Donald J Trump

Can't say I feel badly for old Donald, he brought it all upon himself but with the walls tightening in, we have to expect more pushback which will lead to more distraction and more temper tantrums from him.

Be Best Donald!!

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