Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Take on Click Bait

I'm a sucker for click-bait, I think we all are at some level.
"See the X rated photo the Kardashian's don't want you to see"
"The top 22 times a sporting event was interrupted by spontaneous nudity"
"The four greatest NBA stars to never win a championship in the NBA OR in college"
"You'll never believe what Rudy from the Cosby Show looks like now"

Most days I can muster the will power to avoid clicking or it but not to today.

Today's headline in the DailyNews stating that President Trump's "coke habit" was the cause of his metal and physical decline was such a doozy it had me totally pegged.

Of course like most ClickBait this thing left me disappointed (and with a bunch of weird pop up ads). Trump's coke habit is apparently Diet Coke which isn't news -and very Francesca-esque.
The big reveal was that Trump is a disgusting pig who drinks vast amounts of soda and tans daily, which again isn't news to anybody.

Next thing they will tell us is that he has hair plugs

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