Monday, August 13, 2018

Take on QAnon

I'm one who actually embraces conspiracy theories notnbecause I think they deserve serious airtime or political discussion but because it's the easiest way to determine which people we need to watch out for. People who are dumb enough to buy into 9/11 was an inside job, pizzagate, sandy hook being a set up or just about anything then it's like Alex Jones has ever said, should be vilified and made to wear a Scarlett letter AJ.
Now I find we have a new form of crazies, the ones who go with this QAnok thing which sounds like a fashion magazine about Steve Bannon which nobody wants to read. I know very little about them but they seem frightening in that these guys are a cross between Alex Jones and Flat Earthers.

Time to round up all the believers and ship them off to tinfoil Island.

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