Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Take on Trump’s love of black people.

Don't worry everybody, the fact that Trump doesn't employ a single black person as a senior White House staff member isn't something to worry about because, believe me, Trump loves black people and they love him

Look at the black employment numbers, they blow away Obama's according to Big Huck. Look at the friends that Trump keeps (Don King, Kanye Kardashian, Dennis Rodman) all of whom are upstanding citizens. Look at the African American people who have endorsed him (Ben Carson and that funny Sheriff) and tell me that he doesn't love black people with a passion. Forget his "good people on both sides" thing, they was out of context. The Central Park 5 was just about keeping justice. The lawsuits against Fred and Don were just people trying to bring the men down. The comments about Omarosa are just unfortunate. He just said he likes Mike Jordan and Jordan agreed that he likes himself too.

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