Saturday, July 28, 2018

Take on the airport experience.

There really is no better example of US overreaching power structure than the TSA. As Trump has made bring a rude dick acceptable, his cronies in the TSA have followed their leader. The entire process has gone from unpleasant to annoying to downright degrading. These little Napoleons are all about showing the average schmo that they are the boss and carry the big stick, so the last thing most tourists who just spent thousands of dollars in our country will remember is how big a handjob the guy who scanned their bag was. They are obnoxious but when you see them pull out breastmilk from a new mom guy it's time to call it out for what it is...a power trip for these glorified mall cops. It's not about safety or security anymore, it's just a bunch of guys getting their jollies by being bullies.

Nothing makes a tourist want to leave more than that. Maybe that is Trump's grand idea.

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