Friday, July 27, 2018

Take on missed connections

Bob Mueller and Little Don we're both on the same shuttle flight from Reagan to NYC today and we're caught in a sort of awkward photo.
The first thought was, Bob Mueller is about as cool a cat as you can get, he's chilling reading his paper, no tie and thinking about a weekend up with his grandkids. And there, over his shoulder stands a man with a stupid camouflage hat and his big belly protruding out of his polo. talking on his cell phone which is probably being tapped by....Bob Mueller.
There is also some kind of secret service looking dude next to Little Don which is interesting because Bob doesn't need anybody cause nobody is messing with him. The photo also has some dude who could be a gate agent standing to jr's left. Then there is the other guy sitting down facing the camera, that dude is pissing his pants hoping Berretta Bob doesn't get a hold of his laptop.

But the tableau of Little Don and Big Bad Bob is too good to pass up. One man will bring the other to his knees but before that happens, I hope they got seats 1A and 1B today.

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