Thursday, April 26, 2018

Take on Michael Cohen’s early obituary

Poor Michael Cohen is going to have a rough few months and he's coming off of a few rough months already and somehow we don't think he'll make it.

Apparently he paid Stormy hush money out of his own bank account, he had hoped for Chief of Staff and wasn't even given head of the VA, Trump's denying really knowing hm and there is that little Mueller thing hanging over his head.

Cohen has been Trump's bitch for a while but now the entire world gets to see it and the facade is gone. Trump doesn't seem to respect him at all according to just about every report but still Cohen sticks around like a grade A sufferer of Stockholm Syndrome. Trump is the high school bully and Cohen is the guy who hopes that by kissing his ass, he won't get shoved in a locker.
The problem with a weak personality is that when the going gets tough, those guys sing and that's not good news when Bob Mueller is breathing down your neck. The dude was already living out of a hotel room, you know his wife and kids don't respect him.

I think we see Cohen jump in front of a train as he realizes his choices are spending the rest of his life in the clink or flipping on Trump. He's not built for hard time and he won't be able to handle looking Trump in the eye if he tries to save himself

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