Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Take on Ronny Jackson

I'm predicting that Ronny Jackson will have to step down from his nominated position to head the VA within 24 hours. He was already woefully under qualified for the position, seemed delusional (Trump weighs 239lbs LOL) and now its coming out that he has so many skeletons in his closet that he needed a walk-in
The Candyman, as he was affectionately called, was known to give out large supplies of opioids, was rumored to have written himself scripts, got drunk and wrecked a government car. In other words, this guy sounds the life of the party.

Now people are pointing their fingers at the Bush and Obama administration as he seemed to have been universally loved there but how is that a surprise, the guy was handing out pills like they were Halloween candy.

I wonder if he was high when he weighed Trump or if it just Trump's tiny hands that make him look so incredibly fat

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