Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Take on Tom Perez

I often wonder what the qualifications for DNC chair are supposed to be and have figured out that you basically need a pulse -and not a very good one-, a weird set of vocal cords and the ability to be bought off and be completely corrupt. It's no surprise that they never seem to have trouble filling the position

There is no more tone deaf moron than Tom Perez who went out of his way to beat Jeff Flake on his retirement. This is he same Jeff Flake who committed political suicide by going after and breaking down the mighty Trump piece by piece on the senate floor today. This is the guy who is on your side when it comes to trying to make sure this is a one term president.

But no, Tom Perez decided to not follow logic but instead to follow the president's lead and pile on Flake. Forget if he believes that Flake is right or wrong, if there was ever a day to praise Flake, it was today.

But god forbid these idiot Democrats get out of their own way

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