Monday, October 23, 2017

Take on Huck’s math

Big Huck made a big announcement today that the average American would see a $4000 increase on average under Trump's new tax law. She implied that each family would be getting a check but since 80% of the cuts would come from the top, it basically means that most people will see no increase at all.

As half the world pointed out, that isn't exactly how statistics work. If Trump gets a Ten Million Dollar tax cut and 24,999 get no tax cut, the total tax cut would be $10,000,000 which divided by the 25,000 people would be $4000. This is great news for those 25,000 people, right? Time to all put that $4k in our kid's 529 funds or put more into our 401Ks or more likely buy four new IPhone X's. I hope they take TrumpCash over at Apple.

Oh America is already so great, this is just going to make it greater

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