Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Take on the standing ovation for Trump

I'm not sure if your heard but Trump got a standing ovation from the GOP leadership in some closed session of unity. He only tweeeted about it half a dozen time, nothing about specifics but just that the GOP lathered him with praise, we'll except for Flake, Corker, McCain and I guess maybe Graham. But the rest of those guys just love them some Donald J Trump. Well Cruz and Rubio both have have a bit of a hard history with El Trumpio and Mitch "his Bitch" McConnell is a bit of a wild card towards the all in for Trump thing unless he likes the role of whipping boy, which he might.
Then there is Ben Sasse who might not be a total spineless weasel. The Murkowski and Collins duo have had their wars with Trump, too as hey vote against the repeal thing. And then you have Rand who hates everybody and everybody hates him.

Jesus, who actually likes this guy?!?

I'm counting 11 our of 52 who have some bad history but I'm sure they all applauded loudly for him during their standing O

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