Sunday, January 25, 2015

Take on mass hysteria

All day today I've heard people describe Armageddon as they prepare
for the biggest, baddest, craziest, snowiest, blizzard-iest blizzard
of all time. The tri-state area is expected to get upwards of 100
feet of snow with winds of 1000 miles per hour, ice build up easily a
foot deep and temperatures in the -50 range during the daytime and
dropping to -100 at night.

In my hometown the line for gas was 100 cars deep by 7pm, the grocery
store was sold out of groceries and even the dogs were wearing snow
shoes. The elderly and sick have already been sacrificed, the women
and children sent off to Florida and the men have been prepped for
King Kong meets the Dairy Queen

I am not sure we'll survive

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