Friday, May 3, 2013

Take on Lace

I am as big a supporter of adult entertainment as anybody, but even I get annoyed when they try to blatantly screw you while you are still wearing pants.  It is not uncommon for them to have hidden print in their promotions,although most of them are of the wink-wink variety

I get one of those Free Admission cards last week with the convoluted message

Free Admission B4 5pm
$5after 'til 8pm

First of all, I hate that teenage/Indian shorthand slang, especially when used professionally.  It's not as if you are paying per letter for these cards, do us all a favor and act professionally and type out 'before'
Secondly, what the hell does "$5after 'til 8pm" mean?    Is this some kind if riddle, designed to confuse a horny businessman, because, as far as I know, that is not a complete sentence. 

Nothing irks me more than a company not having the sense to proofread their handouts   Actually that is not true, nothing irks me more than feeling like I got screwed by a strip club 

Lace is giving the entire industry a bad name 

Sent from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Who the f goes to a strip club b4 5 pm unless you're on a bender in Montreal?
