Saturday, May 4, 2013

Take on Xi'an's Famous Food

A few weeks ago, I noticed an incredibly long line outside of a small
storefront in midtown. Not since the release of the last IPhone, had
I seen White people and Asians so excited about anything, as they
lined up 100 deep for latest in yuppy cool.
I tried getting on the line on Thursday around 1pm but was told that
the wait to get to the front door was 20 minutes and that the line
continued inside. There were rampant rumors of an hour total wait
time, including actually getting your food, so I decided to regroup
and come back another day

Xi'an's Famous Food has taken over the pantheon of hype, usually
reserved for the latest artisan food truck, around midtown lunch.
People stand in line for hours to try such treats as tingly beef
noodles and a lamb burger.

I returned Friday to fight again, this time showing up at 11:30, a
full hour and a half before I would ever reasonably eat lunch, and the
line was already stretched to the street. After 20 minutes, I finally
ordered and a good 15 minutes after that, walked out with a plastic
bag of what better be the best f'in Chinese food this side of
The lamb burger which came out first did not disappoint, carrying full
flavor and exception spice. in my excitement, I asked for some
cilantro to be added to my tingly beef and was told "no" by the
Chinese guy wearing a dirty shirt and cutting up noodles without
gloves on.
I finally got my noodles, sans cilantro, and headed back to my desk.
I was told to eat quickly as the noodles would get soggy, so I
immediately chowder down...on one of the most disappointing meals I
have ever had. The dish was doused in oil which gave me instant
heartburn, the noodles were flavorless and cold and the tingly beef
tasted like some dude's tingled beef.
My stomach ache started almost immediately, a run to the bathroom came
10 minutes later and I swear I think I almost puked before I made it
to the bathroom
Not since I spent 10 days in China, did I have a worst meal and the
commute was almost as long

If only they gave me some cilantro

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