Thursday, May 2, 2013

Take on Leinenkugel

When I hit the supermarket the other day in search of a six of beer, I
got conned by a fancy label and an unpronounceable name. I paid $8.99
for something called Leinenkugel and to say it tasted like my scrotum
is insulting to my nuts.
It seemed up my alley with the whole wheat theme and I sort of liked
the Indian/Mexican lady on the logo plus the color scheme felt
summery. Then I cracked one open and tasted what I can only describe
as bottled fart. I have has a lot of bad beer and I have had a lot
of bad beer, but nothing was quite as awful as this rickenbocker crap.
The "with natural flavors" must refer to flatulence which, I guess
is natural. The irony of course is that with any of these hoppy
beers, the one think you are guaranteed is more flatulence

Give me a 20 year old bottle of warm Rheingold any day of the week.

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