Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Taking on the tourist tax

One thing I never quite understood is why states decide to tax the
hell out of the people who come to visit and spend money in their
cities. You leave the rental car counter at and airport and often
are paying significantly more than you thought because of all the
state, city and local taxes they bang on. I am sure this is
justified to cover the road wear and tear the tourists are putting on
the state's highways but anybody who looks into that knows it is
ridiculous relative to each individual person's road time. The real
reason is that tourists don't vote so residents find it easiest to
pass the buck onto them even if the only thing they are doing is
already the direct contributor to your main form of employment.

Today I looked over my bill leaving Disney and was (not) shocked to
find three different taxes which made up almost 12% of my entire bill

They have an Orange County Tourist Development tax
They have an Orange County Resort Tax
They have a Florida State Accommodation tax

Please explain what a Tourist Development tax of about 5% is paying
for? Why am I paying so you can develop more tourism??

And more importantly how the hell are you developing or growing your
tourist base if when they show up you make them pay for all your crap.
I get this no state income tax is great but just realize that the
day they start to set up resorts somewhere else your tax base goes
right along with it. Set up DisneyGlobe in the Bahamas or wherever
and see how much your tax base gets affected

I am just surprised Disney doesn't add their own Mickey tax

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