Thursday, January 24, 2013

Take on the Disney bathroom signs

Can somebody explain the homophobic bathroom signs they have
plastered all over the Disney buses? Driving from the airport to the
resort, I caught one of these on the wall of the pisser door. I
can't quite understand what they are trying to get to but I think it
means that two dudes wearing cowboy hats aren't allowed in the can
together. The two guys in the sign both have their hands on their
junk and one of them is obviously about to go down on the other which
for two guys wearing 15 gallon hats does seem typical

Maybe Mickey hasn't had the pleasure of using an in-bus bathroom but
they make airplane bathrooms look roomy and I honestly see no way how
two guys wearing huge hats could even fit even if they were standing
in there naked


  1. It means don't pee standing up in the stall... pee sitting down. Knucklehead.

  2. what kind of self respecting dude sits down while they piss??

    do you also stare at yourself in the mirror with your junk tucked between your legs???
