Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Take on the bed bug condom

Whenever I travel, which is quite often, I worry about three things:
not missing my flight, I don't lose circulation in my legs while
30,000 feet above sea level and making sure I don't bring back any
critters to fly back without paying their fare. For the same reason I
wear those circulation socks while flying, when I am on the road and
staying in hotels, I sleep in a bed-bug cocoon because you can never
be too safe. The cocoon is designed to cover you from head to toe
while you sleep on hotel beds because we all know that those sheets
are not to be trusted. These human condoms are designed to not let
in anything larger than 2 microns which is much smaller than the size
of one of these buggy critters and I sleep at ease knowing that the
only foreign objects that I find underneath the sheets are ones I
brought myself
I will say that the 2 micron mesh material doesn't breath too well so
you find yourself lying in a pool of sweat when you wake up but at
least it is a clean pool without anything swimming in it

I highly recommend wearing one and I'm quite sure they can also be
effective methods of birth-control although if they ask me for my
opinion maybe they should market ones with a special hole cut out for
their Hasidic customers

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