Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Take on the anti-terrorism cake sale

Can somebody explain to me why there are three or our Port Authority
Cops stationed outside of random gates each morning in front of a huge
foldable table as if they were manning a bake-sale. I see it a few
mornings per week where a hand full of them are standing around
chit-chatting because which shouldn't w a surprise since they are
standing in front of a departure gate and the amount of traffic
LEAVING the city at 8:40AM is probably a 1000th of that entering the
city You can give me some jive about terrorism but explain to me why
a terrorist would walk up-to a gate at Port Authority, see a bunch of
cops checking bags and not change his mind and go to another gate.
It's not as if the cops are manning every single one, they just pick
random ones every morning to stake out (in full open view). If some
Saudi extremist with a plan to blow up a tunnel sees this, my guess is
he's not walking into the trap and is just gonna get onto another bus
because I don't really think their manifesto is specific to what
bus-line they are on

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