How much difference a decade makes, yesterday I walked down 40th street between 10th and 11th avenues which really is the armpit of the city. It's right underneath the Port Authority bus ramps and it smells like rotting garbage, urine and homeless people and it may be the last place in the city with any grit left. For most of these reasons I avoid walking down that block. Well I did yesterday and as I did a small ziplock bag caught my eye. This wasn't any ziplock but a really small one and it was stuffed full, the tension of the bag puling tightly over the greens Maybe I've become lame, maybe I've stopped living or maybe I just don't give a crap but when I was 19 I would have picked it up, shoved it in my pocket and smoked it before I made it to the ferry. Now I just looked at it and never thought about picking it up. Maybe I rationalized it by thinking It may have dog piss on it or that today would be the day I get pulled over but there was not one second when I thought about expending the energy to bend down. I just couldn't care
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I have never smoked grass or drugs, so I would not have picked it up. I’m chicken – I’d be scared it was spiked or pissed on … *laughs.* But I love living in the city core. I love the lights of downtown.