Friday, May 4, 2012

Take on boys socks

The level of marketing companies do to kids is ridiculously effective
and quite frankly more than a bit sickening. By the time they turn
two very girl wants pink shoes and princess shirts and every boy needs
a baseball shirt and a blue hat. I cannot believe that any kid is
predisposed to liking blue or pink over yellow or green but the way
our marketing world works by the time they learn to count they have
already become cogs to the giant pink colored machine.

But when I walked into the store and noticed that they sold separate
boys and girls socks, I was completely miffed because this wasn't even
the obvious blue-pink thing.  They had socks marked specifically for boys and other ones marked specifically for girls but I could not find any anatomically different..
What's exactly makes a package of red socks ones destined for boys? These
are not adults who have radically different footwear (all toddlers
wear sneakers, crocs and rain boots) so there can't be anything that
different in the design

What it does do is urge a parent of two kids to buy two different sets
of socks for a pair of fraternal twins

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