Thursday, May 3, 2012

Take on the AppStore update

I feel like every time I open up the app-store I am immediately
bombarded with 2 or 3 app updates which I mostly just update without
much thought. Honestly half the time I see an update, I think
'didn't even remember downloading it in the first place'. It as if
these companies make a minor update so often to allow them to kind of
nudge their users to try it again without it feeling like spam
I get that as a marketing concept but it can backfire too when it
shows a user how little they care. Yesterday when I got the latest
Groupon update my first thought was 'I probably should delete this
thing because i have literally not fired up the app in 6 months', then
I opened it up to see the update and I couldn't delete it fast enough
because it just felt like spam

The update now allows me to buy Groupons in Thailand which is about
as relevant to me as sending me as the gum on the sidewalk. Why this
needs to be an update I have to waste time updating is ridiculous but
I know if I don't I'll be stuck staring at a little '1' on top of the
app-store icon

Really what the hell is Groupon offering in Thailand? two for the
price of sex changes for would be prostitutes?

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