Saturday, May 5, 2012

Take on the potty

Being a father to a little girl is the most rewarding experience I
could ever imagine. Watching them learn and explore is so incredibly
powerful that you are often in awe of the development of the human
mind. Although I hate pinksanity,I love seeing my little one
prancing around in a dress Just about eerything about having a
little girl is great but my biggest fear from day 1 has been.. How the
heck am I ever going to be comfortable bringing her into a public
men's room.
I am not even talking about the creepiness of it but rather a pure
issue with hygiene.
A men's bathroom is beyond disgusting, there are puddles of piss
everywhere, the place always reeks and every toilet seat is covered in
piss drible For some reason dude's think it is their god-given right
to piss all over the seat of the toilet even when their is a stand-up
urinal is available. And now I have to navigate these puddles of
piss so my daughter can go. I try building toilet paper towers but
honestly when there are visible reservoirs of urine, a thin sheet of
Charmin just isn't enough.
We have come up with a routine First rule is that she is not to
touch anything, second rule is she must always hold my hand and the
third rule is no dilly-dallying We get to our business and leave
right away Then we set up me squating down and having her sit across
my outstetched arms holding her about 6 inches over the toilet so
neither of us actually has to touch anything
It's a hell of a workout but at least assures some ability to sleep at night

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