Saturday, March 3, 2012

Taking on dating

Forget, eharmony,justlunch, goingdutch or jdate because
apparently the newest way to find your perfect match is by calling
some number off a flyer hanging in the subway. The banner screams
'one nite stands only' which couldn't be more to the point but then
says 'females only' and i wonder if that is what they are advertising
or who they are advertising to. It's not fancy and seems earily like
the kind of thing that will end up being the last call a girl will
ever make literally or the last one a guy makes before he makes his
one-call later that night. Then again maybe this is the new trend as
i've been seeing these 'ads' spring up all over the R-Train
Now it's not pretty and unlike it's fancier competitors it doesn't
claim to offer any guarantees of happiness but it does offer something
cheap and direct because really that is what you are looking for when
you are lonely and horny.

I can only imagine the lineup of drunk bay-ridge bound slobs are lined
up to get some free sex

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